Thanks to my honey and buying these rockets to launch.

I had her outfit all set out to surprise her before the big birthday party.

I think she liked it!

I got one for me to match…boots and all!

We arrived a bit early, and this year, Tot helped me out. Usually, I have her come later, but she is now a BIG helper.

Doug then came with more food and the rockets!!! Kids were lining up to pump and launch! Honey was helping them all out so patiently and instructively.

Teagan, Charlotte, William, Julia, Scarlet, and Lincoln.

We were all in AWE!
Tatum and Charlotte goofing around…

.and then Julia and Scarlet. I think Ethan was just watching the silliness.

Then it was time to ride the train. … all 30 of us! Excitement abounds.

Teagan and Lincoln couldn’t wait those last two minutes. William was inspired that Teagan could tell there were only two minutes by reading the clock! What do you know! Kindergarten does teach things.

The girls sat together.

…and I realized it was the first time I have not had her on my lap during the ride. What a change. It’s quite a happy/sad feeling.
The tunnel brought back memories of Tot saying, “Tunno tunno!”

ROCKET CAKE CUTTING TIME!!! After a prayer of gratitude for all the friends and joy.

Psst..I love you Tot.

We had so much fun. It started to get dark, so we headed home to open gifts and have some dinner.

Carley got her this water baby. Yes, you fill her with water. Srsly?
A fun fishing game…
One of the gifts….ok!? Tatum…where did you go?

She played into the night with her legos.

I collapsed but she played on and on. I am so grateful for such friends and fun. Her real birthday is in two weeks, so I’ll take five a little bit longer. I love you Tot.