It was SIX years ago that my life changed forever. Thanksgiving Day it was when Tatum Knight was born, and now this year, her birthday lands on Thanksgiving. It was an extra special day. Since we will spend today being grateful with family, we will celebrate tomorrow her birthday with presents. However, a few had to be given today!
I wanted to give her a warm jacket this year, since it is pretty darn cold in the mornings here. She now is quite cozy!

Later that morning, she got some more Legos, and do you know what!? She built this helicopter all by herself (with just a few helps from me). Wow!
She did not give up or get frustrated.

Tenacity and persistence paid off.

Later, it was time to head to my honey’s house. He had been working ALL day on the turkey and sides. What a blessing to his chef talents. I wanted us to get all fancied up!

Mom and Tot match as she likes it!

Mom looked so pretty, and after being so sick with shingles, we are so grateful she is feeling better). I love you Mom!!! (Tot took this!!)

We got to Doug’s and got some nice pics in front of his newly painted home. It won’t be his for long!!! Our new home closes in one week!

Well, the food was just amazing. Look at this spread! The turkey that Doug made was perfect, the ham smoked by Craig was delightful…all of it!!

After eating, (and yummy PIE…)

it was time to have some FUN in the name of Tatum. All of us became 12 again…especially Craig (Doug’s younger brother)
Did someone say SILLY STRING!?

Our inner childs all came out, and we turned Doug’s backyard into a silly string paradise or war zone…however you want to look at it.
David’s (Doug’s older bro) kids (Grace and Kelsie) played in the fun too, and this gave Tatum such JOY!!!

What fun. Seriously, so much gratefulness for today at Doug’s and for my sweet girl. We all had such a great time talking, playing, and celebrating family. Tomorrow, we’ll celebrate Tatum!
I love you Doug, Tot, and Mama! Family is everything when founded upon Jesus ‘ love.