It was my birthday, Saturday May 19th. I woke up to Tatum singing to me in my bedroom. What else was today to hold? I honestly had no clue. In the past, Doug has blown me away with surprises. So…..hmmmmm????
During breakfast, God gave us this gift of seeing new life. These quail parents are so nurturing to their young. So much love in these little birds and in their family. Very prophetic.

Tatum and I worked on a craft during the day, and then I got ready for my date with Doug.
It took me forever to get dressed because it was the day of the Preakness, so I was in and out of watching the race as I did a curl or two. Not the most efficient method, but I got to see JUSTIFY win. (He won the Derby so now he just needs one more win at the Belmont Stakes to get the Triple Crown).
After getting all gussied up, Tatum tried on my shoes.

You like, Mommy? I like if you don’t break your neck.
Ok, now she snapped a few of me.

I was ready and waiting. Doug wanted me ready at 4:50 SHARP so we could start our “adventure and mystery” outing. So promptly at 5:09, he showed up. (LOL) This meant we had some “wait” time to snap snap snap.
He arrived, the HANDSOME DUDE!!! Wow.

Then Tot’s turn. She got dressed up for “the arrival.”

Then the kisses goodbye. I love you Tot. Have fun tonight! I have no idea what I’ll be doing? Bye Coti boy!

When I got inside his car, he handed me a stack of 10 envelopes.

And I opened up Numero Uno.

The card came alive and sang “We will…we will rock you!” to me.

I then opened up Card #2.

I guessed it: HOUSTON’S! We had our FIRST date there back in January of 2015.

And so we started with a little glass of wine. Little because we split one. I needed to pace myself, right?

A short conversation and a chat with the waitress who recognized us from our visit 3 months ago. How cool is that!?
Then Card 4:

I guessed it again. Our Wine bar (Terroir)!! We had to go there of course! It’s our “living room” on all of our dates. We love to go there because we know everyone, it’s cozy, and it just feels happy. We have so many memories there. 3 1/2 years of them!

And guess what he did?????
He bought fancy pantsy cookies for everyone there. Now that is awesome. Thinking of others on my birthday. I loved this!

Come and get the cookies, Scott, Chris, Jean, and Kristy!

That was so fun. (I saved a couple for Austin, Tot and me). Now what will we do??

I guessed it, hooray! The Royal Palms. Wow, I know how pretty that place is. Many of our presidents have stayed there.

And we did. I warned him that my shoes were NOT made for walking. They were made to look pretty, but that was their only function.
Now, with ALL The beauty there, he wanted to show me this amazing fountain. (LOL) Srsly, babe?

As we walked the sun was shining through. How symbolic. The beauty of the sunset… Things to come?

I warned him he might need to carry me since my feet were ready for an ice bucket or at least a run in the fountain, so we headed to T. Cooks. The concierge, Cassandra, who he had prearranged everything with was all ready for us. Then, the waiter, who he had “interviewed” a week prior, showed with the wine chilling. I mean, WOW. He doesn’t miss a beat.
Octopus for an app. They should not call it that since you get maybe one piece of one leg. Maybe Octopus part? BUT, it was delicious!

And the salad??? I wanted to bottle up my dressing. Oregano vinegarette and feta dressing. SO YUMMY!

They had Chilean Sea Bass, and I found out it really isn’t sea bass at all but Patagonia Toothfish. Who knew? For marketing sakes, they fancied up the name. I’d eat it anyway. It’s like buttah on a plate!

Doug had a perfectly cooked Filet.

All was going just swimmingly! We were having a blast. We both took our last bite, and he proceeded to take out a piece of glass. He set it on the table and brought out a puzzle.
I knew this was the picture since it was on the box.

He told me this was his favorite of us (my mom took this pic at his Christmas party 2016.) We were just having fun and being silly. A good memory.
So there I am completely focused building the puzzle and totally missing the candle and birthday wish behind me!

Ok.. Enough! I want to build this thing!

After I finished,

he asked me to look for any clue in the picture that was different. What??
Glasses ON: I’m searching HOLDING IT UP to stare, and then the waiter saw what it said behind the puzzle and made a face. I of course then turned it around. AND…..

Will I!????????
Now apparently I forgot the most important part. According to Doug: I was in a bit of a shock, and I did not answer! He presented the ring then. More on that later.
Now, he had me open Card 10

There’s a surprise on the back of the ring. Read about that here:
Here’s a peak:

I had not answered!!! He then had to ask: “So honey, is it a yes??” I was so caught up and in real shock I was just “oh my gosh, oh my gosh – is it really happening now!!?
Apparently guys need to hear the answer. Because, they’re like 99.99% sure it’s a yes. They think they’re on solid ground like no doubt it’s going to be a yes. But then is it??? He needs to hear it so:
I made it clear:

Ok, now the ring. The story is coming.
We headed home and I was still in shock and so much joy. We called Mike, our ring guy and my friend from middle school. He was OVERJOYED.
Stay tuned.
I wasn’t going to tell Tatum or my mom until after church. SO, the ring went with him back home. I had to hold it all in. He had more suprises on Sunday.
I love you Douglas Hay. You made my day, my life, my world, the happiest I can ever imagine. We have such a life ahead of us.