So much love

Sundays are always a joy. We get to meet Doug for church, and all four of us enjoy the service. Tatum sings with us, and then she heads to her class.

I think I’m the most blessed girl in the world. I have an amazing mom, a beautiful, sweet phenomenal daughter, the perfect boyfriend (for me), and the best church for all of us.

Thank you, Jesus, for blessing us.

Daily drawings

Tatum and I discovered a great new site:

A young man and his kids guide us through a drawing. We now have built up quite a stash!

Tatum tends to like to draw food (with faces of course!)

It’s amazing how much better each of us are getting every day. The guy uses Sharpies, so we do too. Confidence in your lines!


Christmas 2017 in March!

Yup that’s right, we just celebrated the latest gift exchange for Christmas …in March!  We finally aligned Austin’s work schedule (he usually works weekend evenings) to when Steph was over for a date night at my house.  First, before the gift exchange, Steph brought over some of her world-famous chocolate chip cookies for me Austin.  I believe it was said something like:  “Doug, these are not for you, no not one of them, these are for Austin”.  (well, alright I thought…  I’m sure she’ll throw in an extra goodbye kiss for me then!!?).  Without any more delay, Steph gave Austin his Christmas/Birthday gifts!

Those are some fancy Vans Schoolhouse shoes!


…and a very nice Vans zip hoodie!

These both were a BIG hit with Austin – he was pretty excited (certainly way more excited than the Vans gift card that I gave him for Christmas).  You did real good Steph!

Next, Austin gave Steph a multi-pack of Body Butter!  From Steph’s expression I think he hit a home run with his gift!

The next morning at the church café, Tatum received her gift.

It’s a Peppa Pig Bath Time Activity Set with Water Paints – WOW!

The next day:  WAIT, WHAT IS THIS?  “Houston, we have a problem?”

(Steph, did that paint ever come off??)


Well, regardless of the timing, this was special for all of us.  Austin was proud wearing his cool shoes and hip hoodie with his friends which he did the very next day! As for my extra goodbye kiss, well my honey quickly jumped into her car because it was very cold outside.  BUT EVEN BETTER, I got a super sweet text message when my girl got home safe and warm!!

Christmas in March.

Great memories!

Ruff day

Have you ever had a day like this?

Well, Tatum and I do at times, and when we do, we make the best of it. Sometimes she’ll skate around the house and cheer us all up.


All I know is when the day is a bit challenging, we stop. We count our blessings,  and we make lemonade.

Friends at Breakfast and Baguettes at Snack!

Tatum always brings some toy down at breakfast to play with while I doctor up our oatmeal concoction.

Today, it was…….

All kinds of friends! They are growing each day. Last night, the chef joined the club. He’s kind of in the background there so he can run off and bake some cookies. The top hat guy is waiting on the side there to do his dance. Apparently they are all on a ship.

Tatum got cold, as she usually is in the kitchen, so she wrapped up in my jacket.

Little did she know I’d be surprising her later on at school.

Last year, I visited her Pre-K class with reading Nannette’s Baguettes.

Well, since we love that book, I thought we’d try a second round in her Kinder class. Ms. V and Coach Matt knew I was coming, and this time, I would bring a sourdough baguette. Who doesn’t love a piping hot loaf!?

When I walked in, she was so excited! I read the story…..

They laughed out loud!

And then…..slices of baguettes and apples! What a fun snack.

And a fun time visiting her class. Thank you Ms. V and Coach Matt for letting me join today!

FOMO? Not Tatum

Tatum was invited to a SLEEPOVER. Yes, you heard me. She’s 5, and one of her buddies in her class invited her and the other girls in the class to spend the night for a birthday party. I think my first sleepover was in 6th grade!

I have so many thoughts about why this is not a good idea at her young age. The first and foremost reason is that she is forming her personality, habits and character traits each and every day. EVERY input is truly valuable. Is she mentally prepared to spend it with 7 other little girls and a single mom? My instinct says no.

I did not tell her about the invitation. I figured she’d find out on her own after the fact. So, the weekend she was invited, I made sure we had a great time.

Of course there is time with Coti!

And time to read together.

So, when she went to school on Monday, I waited for her to share her FOMO. (Fear of missing out).

She didn’t mention it until Wednesday. She told me all the girls went. I asked her if she was sad that she didn’t go. Confidently, she said, “No, mommy; not at all.”

I left it alone. She sure is filled with joy and strength. I love her spirit. Absolutely LOVE it.


Crafts, counting, and Cana

We have to start getting ready for Spring! This means making some cute little bunnies and duckies. Or, it’s basically using all the toilet paper rolls I save. What do we do with all of them?
Speaking of counting, Tatum is having fun finding patterns in counting to 50.

She’s working on her numbers every day, and all it takes is practice. Sometimes it’s a matter of SLOOOOWWWWIIINNGG down to refine the number writing, but at the same time being able to whip out counting to 50 with no problem! Fine balance.

And then speaking of a fine balance, her piano skills continue to grow.
Today, she and Cana played an Old MacDonald duet.

It’s so fun to watch Tatum grow in her skills; And with all of this, her character becomes more kind and strong in heart.

I love you lovebug!