Yup that’s right, we just celebrated the latest gift exchange for Christmas …in March! We finally aligned Austin’s work schedule (he usually works weekend evenings) to when Steph was over for a date night at my house. First, before the gift exchange, Steph brought over some of her world-famous chocolate chip cookies for me Austin. I believe it was said something like: “Doug, these are not for you, no not one of them, these are for Austin”. (well, alright I thought… I’m sure she’ll throw in an extra goodbye kiss for me then!!?). Without any more delay, Steph gave Austin his Christmas/Birthday gifts!

Those are some fancy Vans Schoolhouse shoes!

…and a very nice Vans zip hoodie!
These both were a BIG hit with Austin – he was pretty excited (certainly way more excited than the Vans gift card that I gave him for Christmas). You did real good Steph!

Next, Austin gave Steph a multi-pack of Body Butter! From Steph’s expression I think he hit a home run with his gift!

The next morning at the church café, Tatum received her gift.

It’s a Peppa Pig Bath Time Activity Set with Water Paints – WOW!
The next day: WAIT, WHAT IS THIS? “Houston, we have a problem?”

(Steph, did that paint ever come off??)
Well, regardless of the timing, this was special for all of us. Austin was proud wearing his cool shoes and hip hoodie with his friends which he did the very next day! As for my extra goodbye kiss, well my honey quickly jumped into her car because it was very cold outside. BUT EVEN BETTER, I got a super sweet text message when my girl got home safe and warm!!
Christmas in March.
Great memories!