Mom’s birthday fell on Good Friday this year, so Tatum would be home from school that day. She wanted to wear a new shirt, so we picked out her new doggie one.

We then wanted to surprise Mama with a coconut muffin, but we needed confetti, so we cut up one of her Paw Patrol coloring book pages. Boom!

After breakfast we all headed to the gym, and had a great workout with Mama. She did five exercises! So proud of her.
It was time for lunch, so we started at the prayer garden at Scottsdale Bible. It takes us through the path Jesus went through before his crucifixion.

We wrote down prayers also and put them on the wires. So powerful and important to do with Tatum. I always am so moved in this journey as I see the true suffering He took on for us. The cross he bore on His back is present in this garden so we could feel its weight. I wish I would have had this time to do this journey on my own because I always weep, but it was good to do it with Tatum and Mama. We love you Jesus.
Time for Mama’s present.
She wrote it all herself.

Inside the card: She added the crosses herself.. and of course the xoxox’s. (cute!!)

She then gave Mama the picture she drew.

She made a rainbow with a family. Mama is above the rainbow and the bottom is a field of charms.

We had so much fun eating and being silly,
Later, Tatum had her skating lesson and we were all so proud of her.
It was then time to celebrate with Mama alone. She and I had planned to go to dinner. Pictures of course!

Then we went outside since it was still light out:

My mom is so beautiful. I cannot believe how she ages so well!.
Coti and Tot joined. My family. L.O.V.E!!!

Mom, this day with you was so special. This year we grew more than ever because we were dedicated to RELATIONSHIP. We also focused on our own relationships with Jesus, so that in itself made us better people. Grateful. Honored. Blessed.

I love you Mama. You’re beautiful inside and out.