She walks off the field with her nose all runny from allergies.
Then she says it.
I’m too small.
I’m the littlest one out there.
So, later that night, when we were snuggling on her bed, I found it to be the right time to tell her something.
“You know what, Tatum? You are right you are the smallest one. I was always the smallest too. I understand. But you know what? You’re the kindest one out there too. And you know what else? You’re running your BIG heart out and your trying your best. That is what matters.”
“When I was small like that I was determined to work harder than everyone and do my best, Taties.”
I continued, “What size you are…what color you are…what you look like: All is unimportant. What is important is what is inside. ”
I gently touched her heart.
“And you know what? Your heart is HUGE and your love is HUGE. That is what I see. That is what God sees. And THAT is what makes you BIG. You are so deeply loved.”
She smiled.
“And remember as it says on your wall….: Let your light shine. You, Tatum Knight, were created for a purpose.”
Glancing at her wall, I finished, “Now, does God want you to try your best or give up and quit?”
Tatum replied, “He wants me to try my best and not give up.”
“I love you my sweet girl. You keep being you. If someone doesn’t like it or tells you differently, you walk away and find a new friend. Be the friend you want to have.”