It was a normal Friday morning. Up at 7, make the bed, brush, read the “ca”votion (Tot version of devotion), pray, take out Coti, eat oatmeal, play with Coti, and get off to school. I carried her to the car, so I failed to notice one major detail.
We arrived at school, and as I was about to unbuckle Tatum, I noticed she had her socks on. Now, usually her tennies are in the car, but apparently they were left at home. So we walk into school shoeless. Coach Matt tried to find a pair of homeless shoes but to no avail. They said they’d overlook it and she’d sit out of recess. Ugh.
I had two choices. (well, three). I could:
A. Drive one hour (30 back and forth) and bring her tennies.
B. Let it go and have her walk around in socks sans playtime.
C. Hit Target. (Somehow, I think she planned this little escapade to occur???)
I opted for C (without her knowing) and showed back at school in ten minutes. Waltzing into her classroom, bag in hand, all the girls surrounded me, waiting for the unveiling of the new shoes.
Minnie shoes to the rescue.

Ok, sure, I could have let her learn her lesson and sock it all day. I know. Parenting 101: NATURAL CONSEQUENCES. But, I ignored it, that voice, and got the shoes. She has been wearing them all day!

The rest of the day was a delight, making jewelry for our family at the moment: Coti…Baby… Self.

I think this was her master plan, but we’ll never know, will we?