Day 2 of the 12 days

Are we having fun yet? Well, perhaps it is fun when you see the person’s face you are serving.

Today, she awoke and ran right over to the 12 day clips. Let’s take a looksie!

Well, this one requires a bit more thinking.

Who can we visit today?

We thought about the lady across the street. She doesn’t come out much so she might be a good fit. The other ladies on the block have dogs, so, according to Tot, they have their doggies to keep them company.

So Jean it is.

Mint stars in a gingerbread house. Merry Christmas!

12 Days of Christmas: Day 1

One of the challenges with the beauty of Christmas for a child is keeping the idea of giving in the forefront.

Yes, we have the pretty decorated trees and sparkly sweaters…

But, I had an idea, thanks to Focus on the Family, of how to bring the idea of serving into the tradition of Christmas.

I thought of 12 ways we could serve others in the next 12 days (until the end of the year)

I hung them on the wall and allowed for her to wait a couple of days to unveil day one.

This Monday morning, she awoke to the excitement of Day 1.

Ok, Tot. Who will you compliment today? On the drive to school, she thought that she’d tell one or a few of her friends something nice. I know the logs were burning in her head.

When I picked her up, we headed to Cheesecake Factory to have lunch with Kelly, Connie, Morgan and Nyla since Connie is in town. Tatum got to enjoy a few gifts from her birthday (since we hadn’t seen them for her b-day)

And this led right into her sharing her compliments with the family. She really enjoyed Morgan! They played and goofed around. “Morgan’s my best buddy!”


After all of her compliments were accomplished, she felt proud of herself. She also looks forward to tomorrow! What could it be under that clip!?

In anticipation she sang Noel songs to us before bed.

What passion! What feeling! Go Tot!

Yes, He is to come. He is to come.

May we make the most of this Christmas time,  not only focusing on HIM, but thinking of others as we serve and love.

Colossians 3:23

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”

This is something I want to engrave in my brain and instill in Tatum’s. It’s a key to always focusing on how we can do our best because we work for an audience of ONE. If we do this, we will inevitably work to the best of our ability.

I see this in Doug in his work ethic. Especially when things are a bit dicey at work and all seems unstable. He puts his head down, doesn’t grumble, and continues to do his job with his best effort.

I know that when nobody is watching our true character comes out.  If Tatum can see that her best work comes from her heart’s desire to please HIM.

For the new year, I will be reminding myself of this and also sharing this with Tatum at all times.



Celebrating Doug!

Mama wanted to take Doug out to dinner for a special celebration of HIM also, and it’s also an opportunity to get dressed up.

Mom and I posed as we waited for his arrival. (Coti peered at the bottom wishing he was in it too)

and Tot waited for her turn.

When Doug arrived, we whoooooshed him into the living room for some tree pictures. He looked so handsome!

Again, Tot wanted in on the action

Doug and I ….

With my cutie…. Both of them.


We left and headed to Christo’s. This is mom’s favorite restaurant, and we’ve been going there for years (with Mimi of course).

What a delight. We enjoyed our dinners

The best Chilean Sea Bass ever. And Mom and I enjoyed spoiling Doug. He’s worth it!


Gingerbread House Making Year 2!

Why fix it if it ain’t broke? We figured Trader Joe’s makes a great gingerbread house, and last year, they didn’t let us down, so we did it again.

Materials. Check.

Tatum’s tasting skills. Check.

My ability to follow directions. No check.

Seriously! I repeated my mistake again this year. It distinctly says to whip the egg white and lemon juice before adding the sugar pack. I’m pretty sure this makes the frosting like glue but easy to squeeze through the plastic envelope thingy.

Instead, yes, I put all the ingredients together and stirred. And stirred and stirred until I had such a paste I could hardly move my spoon. Alas, I had the frosting glue but I had to use my fingers to PUT it on the house. Quite unfriendly to making little swirly-dos with the squeezy envelope. That way did not work. Ok, we made it work. The key was Tatum could decorate the house with all the little candies.

And, oops, a few fell into her mouth.

Anyway, it turned out pretty cute, and this year the characters and dog kept their limbs.

After, the floor seemed to be covered with those infinitesimal  sprinkles. Tot got to work.

Tatum, watcha doin?

Well, someone has to do it, right?

All in all….

We won’t remember the foibles of building it; we will remember the fun we had getting it done.

Sneaky sneakers

It was a normal Friday morning. Up at 7, make the bed, brush, read the “ca”votion (Tot version of devotion), pray, take out Coti, eat oatmeal, play with Coti, and get off to school. I carried her to the car, so I failed to notice one major detail.

We arrived at school, and as I was about to unbuckle Tatum, I noticed she had her socks on. Now, usually her tennies are in the car, but apparently they were left at home. So we walk into school shoeless. Coach Matt tried to find a pair of homeless shoes but to no avail. They said they’d overlook it and she’d sit out of recess. Ugh.

I had two choices. (well, three). I could:

A. Drive one hour (30 back and forth) and bring her tennies.

B. Let it go and have her walk around in socks sans playtime.

C. Hit Target. (Somehow, I think she planned this little escapade to occur???)

I opted for C (without her knowing) and showed back at school in ten minutes. Waltzing into her classroom, bag in hand, all the girls surrounded me, waiting for the unveiling of the new shoes.

Minnie shoes to the rescue.

Ok, sure, I could have let her learn her lesson and sock it all day. I know. Parenting 101: NATURAL CONSEQUENCES. But, I ignored it, that voice, and got the shoes. She has been wearing them all day!

The rest of the day was a delight, making jewelry for our family at the moment: Coti…Baby… Self.

I think this was her master plan, but we’ll never know, will we?

All aboard the Lights, Lights, and more Lights!

It’s a tradition. Every year, we visit the Train Park for their fantastic light show.

The lines are ridiculous, however, so we have to strategize. My mom kindly got there ahead of time and saved a spot, then Doug, Tot and I joined her for the thrill of the ride.

The whole place is completely covered in lights. With music playing, it’s like a true wonderland.

This elf apparently did not want to hide.

Bright, brilliant, and …..
