We our proud to live in the USA, and so proud of our Veterans.

We both did not sleep well last night, but we figured we’d have some fun today. It was a special day off for Tot being the day before Veteran’s Day. Tatum made signs for her wall.
Then we hit the aquarium to see how our favorite turtles were doing. It turned out we got to see the sloth climbing. Apparently it takes him a couple hours to scale his ceiling as he moves like a ……sloth! Hey!

It ended up that we saw our turtles, but missed taking pics. He, Charley, our new buddy, did not want to be on camera today. Plus, honestly, we just wanted to rest today.
We came home and….Batgirl and I played with Coti, decorated the tree with lights, and then…..

played….. Chopped. Yep. She and I watched Chopped Jr., and Tatum decided to join the fun. During the show, she brought out basically her whole kitchen and got to work chopping, sautéing, and plating.
She chops….
She stands back and wonders….

hmmmm…what spice does it need???

She makes a plan B just in case.

She has got it!!! Ready for the tasting:

I was impressed with her concoction and laughed out loud at her wit. What a great “quiet” day with my Tot.
Thank you again to the servants of our great nation.