Tatum actually slept a bit late on Wednesday, so I climbed in her bed for a snuggle or two. She, being five now, is still fond of this, and I reminded her that at five, she must give and receive up to TEN hugs a day. She was fine with that.
I decided I’d sprinkle gifts to her through the day since we had the whole day together. She knew I had a BIG surprise for her in the evening.
So I had her go into her closet to retrieve her tennies, and BOOM!

New shoes!!!
We are all set to go (notice the crown…she got this yesterday and still is wearing it)
The day began with the usual…gym, errands of which one was Trader Joe’s. She’s been going there so long that she was told that she could pick out anything in the store for her birthday. Seriously! What would she pick?

Yes, not your everyday Oreo but Joe-Joe’s. Vanilla sandwich cookies. Elated, she had one for her snack.
Next stop, home for a craft. I had a little surprise for her here too.

Pop beads are all the rage. Haven’t you heard?
Now, later, it was time for some fashion designing. This is the coolest toy. It’s a mini mannequin (with no head to Tatum’s chagrin) which you design with fabric.

This plastic body instantly came alive as she imagined and created it into different scenarios. (with new clothes of course)

It was getting closer to Doug coming by to open some more gifts and for the surprise.
We waited for Mama to come up and enjoy the opening. We all waited patiently. (with Coti of course)

Doug began with a cool woodworking kit. They can build things together. Very Doug and Tatum loves the together time!

Because here in AZ you can wear boots for about a minute, I got her boots!

Yes, thanks mommy.

We are up to nine hugs!
Now, we are in for a few more fun gifts. A light for her head because she loves to read in bed. And this dinosaur light roars.

And since we are all about things that light up, she got an Avenger watch which I had to set.

Coti was reallllllly wanting some attention.

Ok, now it’s time for Mama to give Tot her present. Coti watched patiently still.

So pretty! Now, what do we do with a pretty dress like this!!???????? Well, here’s the surprise.

Tatum, you are invited to dine with us at Fleming’s. Yes, steak, shrimp, fancy schmancy food. You in, Tot?????
I got the tenth hug.
We got our pretty clothes on and smiled pretty.

And we headed out to our Fleming’s reservation.

She enjoyed a non-fizzy Shirley Temple and we all had a fun drink too.
There was a lot of waiting which I told her is part of fancy restaurants. So you make the best of it, right?

We sit. And we wait. And we wait.

But, the conversation flowed and we all had a wonderful time. She’ll never forget her shrimp and delicious steak. Doug and Mama shared much of their filet.
She was so sleeeeepy, that when we got home, she collapsed.

It was an unforgettable day, Tatum. I love you beyond measure, love bug.
P.S. I got more than ten hugs.