This idea has been percolating in my head for weeks now. Pinterest definitely made it come altogether. I wanted a one-stop place for all of her art supplies so they were available at anytime and accessible. Plus, in sight, in mind. Out of sight, out of mind, right?
First, I wanted to have more space for us to do art together, so I purchased one more table to make a large square. (Thank you, Doug for constructing!)

It was time to unveil level by level.
First, the bottom:
What is under there??

Paper of all kinds! Cardstock of all colors, pastel paper, watercolor paper, white paper, construction paper, stencils, origami, and some drawing books.

Now let’s add a shelf.

Then we unveiled the second level.
Paints of all kinds from dot paints to watercolors. Then chalk pastels, oil pastels and other what-nots like pipe cleaners, cupcake holders, pompoms, clothes pins, stickers, and fancy washi tape.

And finally…….the top!!!

What do we have here? Any kind of marker you can imagine from Sharpies, Mr. Sketch, Crayola colors (various tips), tape, glue and glue sticks, popsicle sticks, paint brushes of all sizes, and of course scissors, q-Tips, hole punchers, brads and the ever so popular glitter glue. I’m sure I’m missing something but you get the picture. It’s stocked!
We’ll just add that to the top and screw it in.

Now, the fun little accoutrements. Little containers that are magnetized and filled with all kind of gems. Sparkles, letters, and plastic parts to add to paper and crafts.

Ta da!
I’m taller than it, Mommy!

It’s ready for action now.
We each have a plastic tray on which to work.

And now we are ready with our watercolor paper and paint brushes.

She decided to practice a bunny.

We did not finish our project so we parked the art cart in the corner for later.

She played with it all day, and tomorrow? We will figure out what to do now that we are truly stocked and prepared.