Since we missed our trip in February due to the sickies all around, we planned to get there before summer. Tatum was literally begging to see Tommy as soon as possible. She couldn’t wait to see her cousin, and we all couldn’t wait to see John, Dolly and Tommy too!
Going to the airport is always a mystery because you never know what to expect! One thing I do know is I come prepared with plenty of goodies for Tot to enjoy. While I’m at it, I threw in a book for me, but I knew that reading would not be accomplished in much detail.
We made sure we knew where we parked since brains are usually not functioning properly upon return. (well, my mommy brain)

Once we got to the gate, I was in search of caffeine, water and los banos. (the trifecta) Tot got her squeezie which was a must for her; Doug got a chance to chill for a moment, and I found a book to read to Tot. Wins all around.

(he looks pretty handsome here, doesn’t he?)

Once we boarded, it was more of, “What is in that grab bag of goodies, mommy?” She was more interested in what else was in there than what was in there if you know what I mean. I had to temper the excitement.

No joke, I packed enough goodies to last a trip and back. Let’s see:
5 books
A rubik’s cube (this was for me! heehee)
Wax sticks to form shapes
A huge superhero coloring book
A maze book
Colored pencils
A crayola coloring kit
Finger puppets
And…..drum roll please…….
sugar free gum.
All of this in a teeny tiny doggie backpack.
I think the hit was the peanuts and pretzel combo.
We arrived and met John and enjoyed our long drive back to Woodland Hills. Tatum was panting to see Thomas.
When we arrived, we measured Tot since October.
She’s grown!
1/4 inch.

Did I mention she grabbed Tommy and wouldn’t let go?

I kinda did the same but first marveled at his height. 5’8″ already!

What a doll!
I knew I would have time with Dolly and John later, so we had to take the time to meet Mr. Whiskers. (well, I think she’s a she, but she has the regal Mr.ness about her…like don’t bug me people!)

Mr. Whiskers?? Wanna watch some skills?

John has been teaching Tommy to free throw the way he was taught by our dad. He would be proud.
So we all joined in. Doug has some skills! Tommy has some skills!

Tot has some skills!

Wait for it!
Swoosh! We love that sound

We washed up with Dolly’s help and got ready for dinner.

Later on, Tatum asked to raid Tommy’s shirts for bed and she chose…..

She wore it with pride and appreciation as she glowed in the dark.
John made us a delicious dinner of salad and sandwiches and although that sounds simplistic, it was delightfully fresh and made with love. He is such a kind and all out gracious host. Dolly read to Tot and made it so fun!!

She always has a plethora of fun, engaging things for Tot to do. So grateful!
We ended the night with board games. Watching John and Dolly makes me laugh. They just love teasing each other! What a fun night.
More tomorrow!
Now, the key is…..will Tot and I sleep well?????? Will Doug sleep soundly?