Do we take for granted our eyes?
We see, but do we really?
Do we see the little special nuggets of our day which we might miss?
Like the bevy of quail who just returned to our neighborhood.
Or the little game of “gumball” or “stroller” or whatever imaginative game she invents that is inconvenient at the moment.
Or the request to just “Watch me, mommy” when I’m just sitting down to write an “important” email.
It’s so easy to miss.
Just recently, I’ve needed to get glasses to see up close. I will now make sure I am seeing CLOSE and squeeze every single morsel out of my day.
Especially when Tatum takes my picture and I think, “NOOOOOO…I’m all ready for bed!” And well, you know, ladies; But it’s important to her.

Side note here: The lighting is better on this one. Trust me.

OK, where was I? I guess she wants to SEE me too. So, I let her.

And now, she wants her own set, so I made her a pair.
Now we both won’t miss a thing.