Christmas Eve and all the trimmings

Don’t you love waking up knowing you have no agenda? There is nowhere to be at no particular time. Christmas Eve, being on a Saturday, was today. Rainy, cloudy, and cold, we were set for a day of camping indoors in our jammies until we needed to go to church in the afternoon.

So, Tatum decided to put Bella in school. (The school is in the closet). Supposedly she was crying, so she needed her binky and many hugs. Tatum is good at this. It was also picture day, so Tatum had her ready for the big shoot. Like it?

We then played kitchen, mommy and daddy, clean up the kitchen, and help mommy wrap presents.

Doug was to come over and pick us up for church. It was pouring lions and tigers outside, so we had to rush to the car without getting our hair all messy, right?

Good thing when we got to church, Santa was there to have a picture. Tatum was really worried that he would be drenched tonight along with his reindeer. This year, she had no fear. She plopped right onto his lap and smiled pretty. After 2 and 3, I was hoping at 4 she’d be ok. Yahoo! (Hey, I didn’t know Santa wore black rimmed glasses and wore a gray pinstriped undershirt. Oh well)

But seriously, the service was phenomenal. Jesus. Hope for Humanity.  The message brought me to my news virtually and made me so grateful of my life and for the life and LIGHT Jesus brings us all.

We arrived home with a hot turkey in the oven and goodness gracious, thank you, Tatum for sporting the mitts to help us!

Doug carved away with the dullest knife on the planet, so actually we had turkey shreds, but no bother. It was “delicioso” honey. Rosemary-herbed and all!

Tot told knock knock jokes at the table and we were all cracking up. At one point, Doug was looking down more than normal. OK, now, I see what he’s up to. He’s goggling “knock knock jokes for  kids” on his phone, the sneaky dude! Hey!! Next thing you know he’s rattling off his sagacious punny jokes. It worked even though he cheated! heehee.

We enjoyed  a great dinner of turkey and all the trimmings along with many laughs. 

Since it was so late, we rushed her upstairs since Santa would be coming soon. Doug brought a special treat, however:

He read her The Night Before Christmas as he has done every year prior for Austin. It was so fun for him to get to do it now for Tot. He has it down!!

We kissed and loved on her good night, and after our prayers, she was out! I wonder if the reindeer will be heard tonight?

All I know is that Christmas tree is going to explode full of gifts tomorrow!  Jesus, we celebrate you!!!!

Valves are valuable

Little did you know that a small circle could have so much value. Not just any circle. A valve. This cylindrical device  regulates the air and has a particular function which must be intact. If any leakage occurs, it is defunct and cannot perform its duties.

This particular valve has been redesigned to not allow for any leak to permit and therefore be stable for the space station. This redesign took over 11 months to complete, but the work involved was worth the perfected device.

This valve also has had a great analogy for our year. How?

    1. The valve is a complete circle.
    Circles are associated with wholeness, unity, and the closest thing to perfection. It is a place of safety to be inside and surrounded by a border of love. Maynard James Keenan wrote, “A circle is the reflection of eternity. It has no beginning and it has no end .” Circles have no sharp edges revealing comfort and gentleness.
    With the people in my life, I see this as incredibly symbolic. Especially with Doug. We’ve been through so much in two years, and the pointy moments become smoothed out with much prayer and communication. We’ve remained INSIDE the circle knowing that the surrounding space is God’s loving arms. This concept transcends to my daughter as well. There is no beginning or end to my love for both of them BECAUSE I have learned from Jesus what love really is. This leads to the next valve teaching.
    2. Valves can leak.
    The reason this valve came down from space was due to an infinitesimal leak, undetectable to the human eye.
    It can happen slowly and under the radar. A negative thought gets nurtured in our mind and festers which can lead to an unkind word spoken; a misunderstanding can inhibit communication and cause one to shut down; an expectation is not met leading to a hurt feeling. And on and on it can go. A small pinhole is poked into the circle and a breath of air compromises the fidelity of the valve. These leaks happen without being aware. Therefore, just as with the testing method for the space station for the valve to be 100% foolproof, we must continue to pray and communicate plugging these small pinholes before they become a gaping abyss.
    Why do we go to all of this work? It seems like so much effort to keep the valve intact. So much effort to keep the circle of a relationship leak-proof. Well, because….
    3. Valves are valuable.
    This circular valve which was up in the space station for years had a primary function, although extremely small. The small leak it produced led to the breakdown of the whole device!!!
    The same holds true for our circle. We edify. We honor. We trust. We honor. We respect. We honor.
    Without the circle, what is life worth? Things? Stuff? Busyness?
    Remember, the sixth day, and the final day of creation, God created man and woman to be in relationship with each other and Him. It was His greatest masterpiece. We owe it to God to be in harmony because that was His intention. Plus, it makes Him smile.
    This newly redesigned valve is back in space because it went through a hard year of reconfigurations and testing. It’s ready to perform its duties. Is it perfect? By no means, but its ready to take on the harsh conditions of space. Built inside the valve is a device to keep it clean and leak-proof. Just as with our circle.  We will continue to refine, refresh and reconfigure throughout our life as we attempt to make us leakproof.
    This tiny circle teaches me so much about my past year and what I want to take into 2017 with my guy and my family. This valuable valve.



Dancing Queen!

Today, while we were at Dance class, they called us parents in to see the past few months of dance. They are preparing for their recital in May.

I am sure by May, this little teapot will be stellar.

Tummy trouble; giving gifts help!

Today was a tough day for the Tot. She woke up with a tummy ache!

She even laid down in the kitchen while I made breakfast. 

Later on she felt much betterSo we made gifts for her teachers!

Gingerbread houses that we made a few weeks ago filled with cookies and Starbucks card.

Along with her Minnie shirt, she was ready for school.

I think she’s feeling much better now as she dances in the car. 

Sometimes Mommies need to have some fun. Twice in one weekend.

And this one did. With her honey Doug.

Doug hosted a Christmas party at his house for Christmas, and mom and I enjoyed every minute. He goes to extra measures to make sure everyone had a great time. When mom and I arrived, he had to snap our picture.

And then we got to get snapped! Pretty good lookin’ eh?

He had to get back to making the salsa from scratch. It only took him about two minutes to whip it up, the big stud!

The rest of the night was pure joy with all of our good friends.

The NEXT night was our concert to Esteban, the classical guitarist. I had purchased tickets for us to see him live.

He came to pick me up, and of course we needed to snap a pic. Tot joined in. 

We headed to the MIM just in time for Esteban. Each and every song was introduced by him with a small story. He was so gracious and kind, edifying his band and his daughter violinist. Wow! He was absolutely brilliant in his guitar playing.

He even came out and signed CD’s in between shows. What an honor!
Thank you, Doug for the treat of being my date these two nights in a row.

We are sure to go see Esteban again!