Birthdays, Thanksgiving, the Election…did I mention Birthdays?
Morgan, James, Levi (early December), Doug (grafted in, gladly), and Tot. (We’ll save Tot for later)
Great opportunity, however, to get the whole clan together.
But first, church. And oh, how good it was. We sang a song called “Let there be Light” (Hillsong). I cannot stop singing the lyrics. We just sing LOUDER when we want to PRAISE HIM!!! WE love you so much, Jesus.
We arrived and were greeted by the lovely Kramer girls. I join …
(Note mom in the background saying, Hey!!! what about me!?)
SO……Tot and mom joined in.
Later, Kell and Doug discussed valves or wall space or something totally exciting.
Tatum enjoyed giving the baby tea while we readied the meal.
She is a great little hostess.
It was so much fun being with the family. Doug fits in so well.