November is a busy month!

Birthdays, Thanksgiving, the Election…did I mention Birthdays?
Morgan,  James, Levi (early December), Doug (grafted in, gladly), and Tot. (We’ll save Tot for later)

Great opportunity, however, to get the whole clan together.

But first, church. And oh, how good it was. We sang a song called “Let there be Light” (Hillsong). I cannot stop singing the lyrics. We just sing LOUDER when we want to PRAISE HIM!!! WE love you so much, Jesus.


We arrived and were greeted by the lovely Kramer girls. IMG_4653I join …

(Note mom in the background saying, Hey!!! what about me!?)


SO……Tot and mom joined in.


Later, Kell and Doug discussed valves or wall space or something totally exciting.

Tatum enjoyed giving the baby tea while we readied the meal. 20161106_182932_resized 20161106_183047_resized 20161106_183020_resizedIMG_4662 IMG_4663She is a great little hostess.

Funny faces and laughs.
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It was so much fun being with the family. Doug fits in so well.

Geron’s touch

He does have a magic touch to Tot’s hair. Not to mention Doug’s and mine. But today, it was Tot’s turn!

He had so much fun trimming her, and she couldn’t get enough of his brushing technique.

VOILA!IMG_4644 IMG_4645 IMG_4646 IMG_4647

IN action!


Thanks Geron for your magic touch!

In good hands

Coti won’t admit it, but he likes it.

Thursdays are my GCU day. I must leave in the afternoon, but the promise of good to come awaits the Tot. Even Coti looks forward to it:

The Doug Arrival.

Yes, it is the moment that happens around 4:30pm, and what does Coti want? TO PLAY CATCH of course! What does he get!???? A selfie for mom. Srsly!?


Yes, Coti. Seriously.

Knowing these two are in good hands eases my mind. It also puts a smile on Tot’s face.

And for puppy? Well, he’ll have to wait until all the celebration is complete. THEN, and ONLY THEN, will that squeaky _____ get thrown. IMG_4608

The simple yet powerful swing

“Life moves pretty fast; If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” (Isn’t that the line from Ferris Bueller?) I may be dating myself, but one thing I do know is that this is way too true.

It is an obvious truism to stop and smell the roses, yet it did not come completely apparent to me until really today. Tatum swings with that attitude which translates this whole concept to me.

First, she pumps those legs with such vigor which I analogize to taking in the moment with full intensity. (just look at that face)!


She continues with extreme focus taking in every single solitary moment of this ride.


Then, she just lays back and lets it flow naturally! Freedom.  She is free!


Perhaps this is what freedom is all about!? Perhaps, stopping and making the absolute most of EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY MOMENT in one’s life allows one to be completely FREE. The alternative? Letting it all pass by and missing the little things in life. That only usurps the joy that comes from letting go completely.

Thank you Tatum for showing me this….all in the gusto of a swing.