Thursday was not the usual Thursday. Today, I did not put Tatum in school. I had to see a doctor for my shoulders, so I figured I’d just take her with me and we’d spend the morning together. I knew I’d have some time later in the day to work, so all would be just fine.
The morning started out easy. I took her to the gym for a quick workout, and then promised to take her to brekkie. Things are adding up, so I figured we’d go somewhere a bit more moderate in price. She loves bagels and cream cheese, so Einstein’s it was. (Side note: They have great coffee, so that helped)
While we were there, she made sure she made others around her feel welcomed. She had to show her Spiderman shoes off, and also she had to say hello! At one point, I took out my phone to text Doug, and she scolded me with “no phones at the table.” CAUGHT! She also noticed that others were doing this. I told her that this was our rule…not everyone’s. I said we should enjoy a conversation, so this is what we did. We discussed a plethora of topics:
1. Can you wink both eyes? (I cannot and she loves that she can. So, I practiced. She plans on asking others if they can)
2. Is that the best bagel you have ever had? Can you say whole wheat?
3. Why is the family next to us not having a conversation?
4. Those workers are all wearing bright yellow shirts. They glow in the dark! She wanted to ask them why.
4. I spy circles all over that wall. Do you? (There were little bagels everywhere; we spied all of them)
After this, we had to make two more stops before the train park. Making any kind of stop with a young’n takes longer than the usual 5 minutes. Have you noticed this?
Now, we only had one hour before my appointment, and unfortunately the park was packed..PACKED! (I forgot: fall break this week). SO we made the best of it. Did you know she can now pump her legs on the swings? I still had to push her for 25 minutes. Seriously.

More amazements from my growing child! It’s all in the shoes.
Ok, so off to the doc. Waiting time: 30 minutes to get in to tell me I needed to go down and get x-rays. She was so good while I got these done. Sat in the next room watching me. Then 30 in there. They gave us these hair ties and Tatum called them her gun shooters. Great. Her gun shooters. Well, I quickly fixed that and said that we should call them band shooters and only for at home for fun. Note: I forgot my bag of tricks to bring to the doc, so these had to do. Whatever works, right?
Then another 30 to wait for the doc to check my x-rays. Tatum played Dr. with me:
Then she wanted me to play doc. She took this pic:

Only to have the Dr. tell me basically nothing (well, to check my neck out because it’s funky…and he’s not a neck guy) and send me home. He was with my 7 minutes I think.
We did not get home until 2, and by then I was spent, and so was she. HOWEVER, ANYTIME I can spend with Tot is a good day.
I had to apologize to her a few times in the day because I was a bit annoyed, and I let every little thing get to me; she and I were both cranky; We prayed an hugged in the Dr.’s office and it made all the difference.
When I got home in the evening (from a lovely date with my guy), this is what I saw. MY kids. GRATEFUL.