Not only was this going to be an adventurous airplane ride for Tot, but it was an opportunity to spend a weekend with my DEAR brother, Johnathan, beautiful sister in law, Dolly, and my ridiculously talented and kind nephew, Thomas. Moreover, Doug would come also to meet the whole clan.
It all started at 9am as we loaded up the car ready to head to the airport. I packed pretty light for myself, but I made sure Tatum had a whole wardrobe of cute and warm clothes. (Little did I know it would be in the 70’s!) Well, it’s never too warm for Minnie boots, right?!
Arriving at the airport, I remembered to take a picture of our parking spot so we would not get lost. Doug says he never forgets. Well, sweetie, there’s a first for everything, so I’m taking extra precaution. (I killed two birds with one stone by getting a pose of my cuties too) See, there you go. Row 5; Elevator B. Got it.

Onto the Skytrain to head to the airport. This isn’t even the airplane yet, and she is already so excited. More thrills to come, cutie pie.
After our airport check in, we got our necessary caffeine and a BIG OOOOOOPS for Doug. His ended up on his shirt and mine in my belly. What a great sport he was, though. Did not even phase him. Tatum? She got a squeezy. Why? Because her tummy was still upset and it was just cute with the bunny on the front. Those squeezies know how to market to kids. Hmph. 
Get her seat belt on and we are ready for takeoff!
Our tummies loved the takeoff, and all we could do was sit and watch as the ants on the ground got smaller and smaller. Time for Legos!
Now, when we arrived, we hit the baggage claim and immediately picked up Doug’s bag and some food I brought for John and family. We waited and waited and waited.
Nothing. Zilch. Nada. (Tatum is unaware as she works on her zipper for her puffy fluffy vest…which mind you was unnecessary in 70 DEGREES!!!!! sheesh…..But, she was cute so that all that matters, right?)
Officially lost. SO….we gave them John’s address, not expecting they’d deliver up in the mountains, but they would! It was to come later that night we hoped. Meanwhile, John and Thomas picked us up!! HOORAY!
Doug was concerned about his coffee stain, but I assured him they’d not even notice. He still looked adorable. 
We arrived at his house and Tatum instantly took to Thomas and whisked him away to play with her. He was such a good sport and played with her in his room for H.O.U.R.S! (I was not used to this concept of not having Tot coming up to me every few minutes) I sneaked up and caught them playing so well. He was so gracious and kind to Tatum. 
After much time, she was exhausted and he let her sleep on him next to the window. Now that’s a great lap. Little did she know right outside…
would be some cute little baby deer. John is so good to them. He even cuts up the apples for them! Who does that!? My kind brother, that is who. 
Now, the best part of my brother and his family is that they literally put their entire life on hold and completely pay 100% attention to whoever is their guest. This is such an admirable quality in all of them. Dolly knew that I had work to do and she played with Tatum for quite a while. Puppeteering is definitely a strength of her’s! Tatum could not stop giggling. 
Meanwhile, my brother and I got a chance to talk and bond again.
We got there a bit close to dinner, so John worked like crazy to make us a special stir fry dinner, and it was sure made with love and lots of time and effort. Before dinner, however, Dolly showed us her summer work. She learned how to mold clay and make busts. C’mon, seriously. This is a novice!!?? She made a bust of Thomas, and I cannot believe how much it resembles him!
Have I mentioned how talented and amazing Dolly is? (Johnathan definitely married well, and I gained a sister).
Since Tatum and I had no clothes, Tommy lent Tot his Spiderman jammies (from forever ago of course!). She wanted to live in them, so she did for that evening. 
We were all pretty tired, but we all stayed up and played fun board games. Tatum went to bed, and the rest of us laughed it up and enjoyed each other. The next day was to await us! (would my luggage come in the night!!?? Hmmmmm stay tuned for Part II.