Well, actually, I do work full time, just not formally at a desk or at a white board. No, I work at being the best mommy to my Tatum every.single.day. And, today, I was reminded WHY I still don’t partake of that full time job thing.
It all started this morning; The usual 6am (or 6:14am) wake up call of Mommy, will you put this on Bella, or Mommy, I have to go (you know), or Mommy, is it Band-aid (to be explained in a later post) day yet? You see, I love this, even though it’s 6 blankin’ 14:am. Why? Because this is being a mom; it’s being the answer lady for all of your child’s burning questions at the ungodly hours of &*%@ am! Yep, that is really a pure delight.
Then, what made it even better this morning? Making a smoothie for my Tot. It turned a bit runny this morning, but she did not care. You see, Tatum would eat a shoe if I put it in front of her because she is so easy about food. But, when she started crying, I knew something was wrong. The runny smoothie was now running all over the counter, the stool, her clothes, the floor and Coti!! (Since he loves to sit underneath her and catch every crumb, drop, and morsel which is usually generously dropped (on accident sometimes, on purpose other times) beneath her.) She RARELY spills anything so this was all new to me. Today, Coti struck GOLD! Since of course, it was a school day, and we were running late, I was BLESSED it was only she who was running late. I had no urgent place to be, so I did not have to freak out like she did, although I did have to remake another breakfast and clean up half the kitchen, a dog, a child, and the floor. Fun stuff. She felt awful!!! (and hungry)
Today, being Thursday, I do go into GCU to teach a cohort. I decided to call a friend of mine who had been trying to reach me. She was waffling on whether to quit teaching or stay with it. We hemmed and hawed, processed, and analyzed together. I’m so glad I am home with Tatum. My friend is now seeing the value in this as well, and hopefully she’ll be doing the same.
I do get a wee bit sad on Thursdays because I do have to leave my two kiddos, Tot and Coti. They cuddled to show me they’d be safe. This cuteness makes it IMPOSSIBLE to be away from them.

All in all, I would not change my life for anything. I’m grateful every.single.day for my Tot, Coti, Doug and Mama for loving me, helping me and supporting me. This job is a welcomed job!