Because, today was just UP and DOWN.
It started with Tatum coming into my room on this little contraption that, thanks to Doug, talks now. (yes, thank you, Doug for fixing it!! *&%*&)
It decided to say “3-2-1 blast off” to me bright and early this lovely Sunday morning. So, I was up. We wore our red white and blue to church since tomorrow is July 4th, Independence Day.
Speaking of Independence, Tatum told me this morning, she did not want to be held during worship since she was bigger. She sang three songs with her arms held high, worshipping to high heaven. Man, it was a sight to see and behold! I couldn’t help but tear up with her inspiring singing.
Once church was over, we headed home to get ready for Doug to pick us up to take us to the Diamondback game. I had bought cheap seats with my teacher’s discount, and although way up high, it was a fun idea! Doug had the honor of carrying her down five flights of stairs.

We finally got to our aerial view seats and she was instantly hungry!
After a some pictures, and a few oohs and ahhs at the game, she dove in for some corn snacks.

It was then time for a hot dog since the corn did not last in her tummy long. 

Oh the joy of a real hot dog. I had been feeding her vegan soy dogs all this time. My cat is out of the bag now. Will she ever go back?
She did continually need some food out of either true hunger or being a wiggle worm. Not sure which or maybe both.
I’m not sure if I remember much of the game, but we did stay long enough to watch Goldschmidt (the guy on her shirt) bat a homer! Worth watching!

We had so much fun with Doug, that when she got home she had energy to burn. This is when the roller coaster ride came a bit crashing down.
She was playing with Coti in the living room, when I heard a huge REAL cry. Blood was all over her hands and her baby.
She fell and hurt her lip on her tooth. Her tooth went back behind her other teeth! I rushed to the emergency room where nothing was done for her except them telling me this. The whole time, I tried to reach her dentist, and FINALLY I got a hold of Dr. Libby. She said to pull Tatum’s tooth back into place. I’d hear a click-click, and I sure did! I clicked it back into place, but it was still a little loose.
So, Tot is on the soft food diet for a while and NO FINGERS IN HER MOUTH. She is struggling with that one, but maybe it will break the habit. We are heading to the dentist on Tuesday since tomorrow (Monday) is the 4th.
This meant a smoothie for dinner and some Paw Patrol shows, and OH…LOTS of TLC which for me is the best part.
Finally the evening ended with her waking up crying to the 9pm-9:15pm fireworks show next door at the railroad park. She was way too scared (but not as bad as Coti!). I got to hold her for this stint, and that was more fun for me.
The ups and downs of today maybe were circumstantially scary and fun, but all in all, it was about togetherness, love, and growth for all of us.
What a tremendous day.