What do you do in Phoenix in the summer? It’s triple digits, and swimming can turn you into a prune after so many hours. Well, you drive 45 minutes to nowhere and go to the zoo! The week before, it had been record setting temperatures, so we planned to go the following Friday because it couldn’t possibly get hotter. It just so happened that it was overcast and only in the 90’s! That was a blessing. We arrived right when they opened at 9, and Tot was cozily snug in her stroller.

She did not last long in this position because she instantly saw a…..
Beautiful PEACOCK!..so we decided to follow it and be one with it. At one point, she followed it to a table. Tatum was concerned. She said, “Hey…hello!!??, you are going to fall!!” I don’t think he heard her.
Upon mimicking the peacocks we heard “macaw!!”…and so what did we come upon???
Mimicking was becoming fun as we attempted to be Dr. Doolittle. They did not find me humorous.
So, we mozied on to more…EMUs! I personally love these because it’s always a clue in the crossword: three letters for a flightless bird.

That lasted a minute until the other side (with only a rope between us) KANGAROOS! Now, I had just read about a trio of girls being attacked by a kangaroo in Australia last weekend. So…. I had a teeny bit of hesitation when nearing these seem-to-be innocent creatures. We looked for the baby hiding in the pouch, but none to be found.
Wait, what is that sound??? It sounds like a singing dog. Ok, seriously? It was.

We sang with it for a bit until…. We saw what it was singing to. WAKE UP!!!!
That did not work, so it was time to see this guy perched upon his mound to search for little girls. We did not hang around long.

Off to more kinder types?… Monkeys and regal black swans

And…..(commercial break here: I’d like to thank DOUGLAS HAY for photographing all of these pics!)
BIRDS of all kinds.

and, could you just look at us?

These ostriches were so hungry they attempted to eat the gate in front of us. We moved away, but first a quick conversation

He didn’t say much; he just opened his mouth really wide as if he was waiting for me to throw him a pizza or something large.
Speaking of large!…

More conversations not happening. You know you want to talk to us, little guy!

PHOTO OP! Love you Tot.
Get in a line you quackers! Stay with your mommy or you’ll be eaten by a….

Or a….. Nile Crocodile.
Well, probably not, because we decided to go into the aquarium where these types were safely locked in a pseudo-tropical environment. I wonder if they know that the scene behind them is a painting?
Albino alligator. Not much hiding for him! He stood right out.

We did decide to get cooled off in the log ride. Tatum was just the right height. WE GOT SOAKED, but cooled off!!!
Ok, snack time and …..rest.

Now, these fish are called “lookdowns” Ironic, isn’t it.
God is cool; a little pink splash to this fishy.

Slow down so we can take your picture!

Look but don’t, ok, you can. TOUCH the starfish!
Now, we are just waiting waiting waiting for my favorite part: THE SEA LION SHOW

More waiting!
And there is little 3-year old CROCKET! Making a splash. He was a toddler sea lion. Not grown until 6.
And during the show, guess what fell down down down UNDER the bleachers. Yep…the baby.
So, I missed part of the show to find my way through the maze underneath to retrieve it and…
Reunited! So much for the sea lions.

On the way out we saw the ghostly sting ray. Honestly, he was haunting.

And the piece de resistance: LOS PENGUINOS!! My second favorite!
God is so creative with his animal creations. What fun fun fun. My only wish is that Doug was in more of the pictures. Thank you for treating us to a special wild day and a chance to talk to the animals. XO