They may be hard, but that is how we grow. How else can we become better if we don’t face our fears head on!?
7:06 Monday morning, January 4th. Tatum wakes me up, and I remember it is her FIRST DAY OF PRESCHOOL! Today!!! It has arrived. I know that I need to allow plenty of time for the usual tangents of the morning. Things don’t always go as planned with a three year old. Ok, with really any age, right?
She wanted to play with some Scrabble toys, pretending that they were ice cream cones. With that, she wanted to bring them to school. First “discussion” of the day. “Tatum, you can have them at home, but not at school. We will get dressed now.” Oops, I should have given her a choice to avoid anymore discussions! This caused a “moment” so I had to escape the premises for a few to let her calm down.
Finally after minutes of calming down, we arrived at the outfit and the teeth being brushed. Devotion, prayer and we have it. Success. Now, we have thirty minutes for a good breakfast. I was hoping to make her something special. She first wanted hugs and kisses because she knew she had been a bit difficult and was sad.

French toast, banana, milk and a few more hugs and kisses. Off to school.
What do I say in the car? Lecture her about listening to her teachers? Being kind? Sharing? To not poke people? Nope. I just tell her that I love her and I’m proud of her.
I walked in and looked at Jerry, and said, “Can I have a hug?” I’m balling by now. Tot grabs my leg and I assure her I’m OK. We walk to her classroom, and she seems pretty happy. Where is Robert? He is late, so we end up chatting with Miss Jennie the teacher. I’m calming down, and Tatum takes off to play with toys. Not kids yet. She will get there.
I leave and realize…I’m OK. Coincidentally (ha), I ran into Pastor Tom at the gym right after and he tells me it’s a right of passage. It’s all good. Jennie, Doug, Gina, and Daisy all text me to tell me this, and I feel the presence of God. He sent all these angels to me today to remind me each “FIRST” is a growing opportunity.
Jennie texted me and told me that when Robert saw Tatum it was a sweet as thick syrup.
According to Miss Jenn and Miss Terri, you were a star! Kind, obedient, and fun. Hooray!