Guest Blogger: Douglas Hay
So, this was the afternoon that was planned for a couple of weeks. Steph was away for most of the day giving a lecture in Las Vegas about advanced complex teaching methodologies (not for her but certainly for the rest of us). So, I had the very good fortune to spend the afternoon with the Tater Tot!!
I have planned this out so I know when to leave to pick her up and all is scheduled – or so I thought. I assumed I would just slide the car seat in my car and be on my way. Not so fast! Getting it locked down wasn’t too much of a problem but adjusting the straps was another story! I couldn’t find the adjustment to loosen the straps. Ok, I’m thinking, seriously Doug, if you can’t figure this out you should quit your engineering job. After 15 minutes and nearly disassembling the darn thing I see the adjustment under the seat cover. Why would you hide the adjustment there?? OK, problem solved and I was on my way!
After a bit of driving I arrived at Paradise for Tots!

I was immediately and warmly greeted by Gerry. Obviously, she was the director and she was expecting me. Still, I had to show ID and be vetted not unlike the TSA – Geesh! Ok, checked in! Signed in! Then we go the playground and I immediately see Tatum! The staff was extremely friendly and helpful just like Steph said they were. We said our goodbyes and were off. I had a snack and cup of water in the car – my strategy for hopefully keeping her awake for the ride home. Oh yes, that worked great!
Once home, we had to change into the Thomas the Train outfit! C’mon Doug, let’s go to the train park and swing!! C’MON Doug…

Hi Mommy!
Well it’s tooooooooooo late for the park. So, I quickly think – let’s play horsey!! She immediately thought that was a good idea. I didn’t think that one through because “I” had to be the horsey! …and so we did. The Horsey took Tatum through earth quakes, bucking bronco’s, etc.. . My back did just fine – good! One of us had a lot of fun (OK, we both had a lot of fun).
Now down for dinner. Steph had this already prepared and so it was streamlined. 20 sec in the micro and we were ready!

Man – does this look good! Where’s mine?

Cashew milk!

Stories. There were stories. Did I say there were stories!!
At the end of dinner Steph called! So, we had a little conference call and we all got to chat it up a bit! Perfect timing Sweetheart.

Hi you guys!
Just an observation… How is it that these two girls never take a bad picture. I mean seriously – what’s up with that?
Ok, the Tot and I are going up to the bedtime routine now. This is the 3rd time tucking in Tatum and I’ve learned almost the 100 baZILLION essential items the need to be just so for a smooth process. Tatum is doing such a great job training me. All was smooth sailing and each time we are becoming more efficient.
This is one special girl (Mom’s pretty cool too!).