And there was M.O.R.E

Queen for a day.
Doug makes her feel like this, and yesterday, her crown was sparkling with appreciation.

Austin’s old firetruck was dusted off, FOUR C-batteried up, and warmed up for Tot’s arrival.
IMG_2091The babies enjoyed it I think more than Tatum, for they got to rid in the extend a ladder! 

See them smiling!!?IMG_2094

Then it was more. More presents? Yes. More presents. Doug, seriously? You are amazing.


Minion jammies went perfect with the  Minnie helmet which she kept on ALL night. Yes. ALL. NIGHT.

Magna Tiles which I think her mommy loved more than anyone!IMG_2108

Then, he made her dinner. DINNER. A Queen eats turkey with homemade salsa, beans, corn and avocado on her solid gold yellow dish. IMG_2117

Fireworks outside now. Teeny tiny Tot ones only, please. IMG_2118WHAT A NIGHT.
IMG_2122We thank you so much and love you.IMG_2119

Into the next day… all continues. The question is did she sleep with it on? Inquiring minds want to know and will have to wonder. IMG_2135

Enjoying Christmas Part II

It was a cold day in December when Tot said she was ready to take on the bike! We got around the block with not too much ziggin or zaggin, and she even kept her eyes on the road. Last year she got this tricycle and finally can reach the pedal. She loves her bike, and is now asking for the next one. What’s missing? A Tater TOP!!! A helmet must be the next purchase for this Tot’s top.
IMG_2071She also is enjoying her new rocking chair. She plops down with a book and reads to me as I sit in my rocking chair. You’re never too young or too old for a rocker!

Painting away! Now that I got her the right materials to keep it clean, she can go to town! Drawing a ..a…a.. red, pink, green, and blue swirly cow? It’s art!!!


She also got some new generation paper dolls.Now they have magnetic clothes, literally.
She also received some Alphabet locks. You match the lower case letter (which is on the key) to the upper case letter (which is on the lock). The lock will unlock if you place the correct key in it.


The secret to her enjoyment is that I get on the floor with her and play. Time with the Tot. That is the best Christmas present of all.

We love you Gabby

What would we do without her?
She is so special to Tatum, and for me? Her presence allows me to have a bit of freedom and me time.


For Christmas, I got her a plaque which has an excerpt of my favorite poem, The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. (She’s taken the road less traveled by and that has and will make all the difference) She’s in her last year of high school, and she has risen above the riff raff and is striving for HER success. I’m so proud of her.


Love is….


2015 was a year of new experiences. Tatum and I embarked on a new relationship, and it all started with me taking a step of faith. I decided to ddddddddate. With no expectations or literally no confidence in a successful outcome, Tatum’s mom got the chance to dress like a grown up and go out once in a while. The door cracked open at the beginning of the year 2015 as I went out on a date. Never did I imagine it would lead to a relationship and potentially more for me and for the Tot!

Did I say patient? This is the word that would describe this year with Doug. He has been kindly waiting in the sidelines as I have caught up to what was to be the experience of falling in love. What has this meant for Tatum? She has slowly grown to realize that he is a permanent fixture in our lives. AND she has truly learned about relationships and how they take time to fertilize; at least for her mommy.


Did I mention that Love is kind? This would describe to a T our relating to each other. We are always kind, and he takes the cake for being the most. Everything I could have hoped for.

Douglas Hay made my Christmas so special because he is filled with love that has grown because of his patience.

Our first Christmas together.

Spoiling me with warmth by the fire and warm toasty fingers.IMG_2008 IMG_2009

Documenting our wine journey and our times together


Tiffany is that you?IMG_2027 IMG_2039

Smells just like candy. Tatum will love it too!


We love you Doug Hay!IMG_2050

Christmas 2015 Part 1

Santa was a busy bee Christmas Eve preparing Tot’s toys under the tree. She came down to an explosion of fun!

Amy and Ann (the twins I had as dolls) were nestled in their bunk beds (they are still babies after  forty something years, go figure)
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Then she discovered her new desk and rocking chair (thanks to Doug’s carpenter skills and IKEA’s easy to follow directions) (ha).

The cash register has very real looking money and credit card swiper. Nice practice for her to know the cost of things!! Heehee

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Then off to see the fam at Kelly’s house. “Hi Alfie!!”


While we waited for presents to get delivered to the various chairs (stockings and our one gift from our chosen person), Tot and I were being silly singing Halleluia.

Morgy and Nyla posed for a pic. Morgan’s voice made me quake in awe. *Thanks for singing girl!* WOWZA

Barbara, James mom, was having a tough morning with her hernia, so we all prayed in a circle. Powerful. James had to leave to take her to Urgent Care, but she returned with a smile. Thank you, God.

IMG_1949Tot opened her stocking gifts


IMG_1962Morgan and Tot played bounce. Well, Tot played bounce on Morgy!

We all showed off her big gifts!IMG_1978 Connie got a segway ride with Morgy and Nyla.IMG_1976

Fancy shaver for DenoIMG_1975 Kas got a photo caseIMG_1974 Kell got a Mercedes girlIMG_1973 Morgy got some cool antique books and journalIMG_1967Nyla got some makeup madness!

Kelly spoiled me with ANOTHER MK purse. SHEESH!!!

Uncle Doug is adorable in his ski goggles. He amazes me that he can still ski like a 20-year old.

Mom got some Nordstrom love!

Deno and Tot. He was captured by her conversation.


And Morgan shouldn’t asked for pet llama. One is good. Two is well..more than one.

Family. This girl, Kasey..well, she amazes me, and I just adore her. I’m honored to be her cousin and to know her. IMG_1991Merry Christmas 2015.


Christmas Eve Love

And it was. Doug took Tatum and me to Christmas Eve service and really saved the day. How was she going to sit through a whole service? Credit cards. Yes, folks. She discovered my wallet and handed Doug individual cards throughout the sermon and then would retrieve each one and place them in an offering envelope. She has the right idea, but I don’t think City of Grace takes Target, Kohl’s or Library cards. Hmmmm.

Then, when we returned home, while I made dinner, again, he saved the day. He played Tatum airplane for about 30 minutes. Ironically, my mom’s back is out this week and not Doug’s. My mom just loves Doug so much that she had sympathy pains.

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Then I got a very materialistic gift. A Michael Kors purse from mom. Gosh, I’m super happy to be a grown up now with a big girl purse. Thanks Mom and Thank you Doug!!IMG_1931IMG_1932

Gift for Taina

Tatum wanted to bring something to Taina after attending gymnastics camp. I dropped her off for three (EEK!) hours a few days before Christmas so I could get more done in three hours than if I had her around (which would equate to about a week). The boys loved her, and I don’t know if I that’s a good thing. They did all protect her with their big 10-year old muscles, so I cannot argue with that!

Back to the gift! She picked The Big Red Barn board book from her library, wrapped it in Kleenex, and voila!

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Taina was so excited that she made her run laps!! (she’s the Tot in pink leggings and a black hoodie)IMG_1794 IMG_1795

At one point, she fell and thank goodness Taina’s daughter was there to comfort her. We are grateful for cuddly friends. IMG_2012