Three years is a drop in the bucket in one’s lifespan. However, in the case of Tatum Knight’s existence on this earth, it rocked and continues to rock the world (and I’m sure a few star formations)
Being her mother is nothing like any other adventure I’ve ever experienced. It’s an honor. Knowing her is one thing, but being her mommy? That is something else altogether. I am on my knees day and night PRAISING God for the opportunity to love this child as her MOMMY. Wow.
Tatum’s zest for life is apparent in everything she does. Eating (which is her favorite thing to do), reading, singing, playing make-believe (which shows her incredible creative self), everything, she does, she does with her full 24lb will and might.
She loves her family (as she says, “My mommy is in my heart, my Coti is in my heart, my mama is in my heart, my family is in my heart!!”)
She loves her friends; She loves any doggies; she loves to be out talking to people and asking their names….She just LOVES to LOVE!

Picking a theme for Tatum’s birthday bash was not difficult. Her love of music is very apparent in how much she enjoys grooving and moving! She loves to jam on her little guitar and so this was a perfect idea for a cake. My mom made the most beautifully decorated (and fully homemade!) guitar cake, and it was delicious!
Then Doug made a bountiful fruit platter and it was overflowing! WOW! Can I get an Amen to this?
Tot and I arrived at the park to reserve the table and classic Tot stood in the cold clutching her babies as I scrambled around looking for something to hold the tablecloths down. 
Then we went home to get ready and practice our, “Thank you for coming to my party!” We are still working on manners. She just was focused on having some cake! We also practiced our “SMILE!” Rick was helping in the background withe Addison.
Finally, the table was ready and her buddies (and mine) began to arrive.
Nyla and Morgan helped with the balloons. Except for the ones that flew up into the trees. Oops!
Hi Ni and Maxie!

Mary Jo, Max, and newly adopted Libby!

Jeff (Timoree’s hubs) and Forest
My gal pals, Amy and Denise!

Her many boyfriends. Aye! Jack, Avery, Levi and of course Robert.

Marcie and Isabella!

Addison and Alexa

Evelyn, Antony, and Alexander.

Oh Robert!

Hi Kelly!
And then there were more friends coming and chatting!
It was time for CAKE! After much shaking of the maracas, we ate, yes…THE CAKE, but gosh, I did not want to cut it!
So, cupcakes, were more kid-friendly.

Tot, can you get a bit bigger of a bite? It isn’t the size of your whole face!

Mom, a teeny bit more?
Happy children.
So, then…time to play!
Doug!???? Help! He chases her around then catches her for a quick pic.
What would I do without him?
Finally, time to wrap up and enjoy some of the presents. Definitely a phenomenal day.
Perhaps she’ll be a chef with her love of food?

Whatever she does with her life, she’ll do it with HEART. All I ask is that she lives up to the incredible potential that God has blessed her with. I love you so very much, Tatum.