I admit it. I love books.
Tatum seems to be adopting this admiration as well. This morning, she screamed, “MOMMY!!!”, and after the 14th yell, I came in. She had to go potty (yeah!) and wanted out (no!) It was tooooo early, but the potty did call, so I got her out. She asked if she could come into bed with me, and so I agreed. (can of worms just opened)
As she lay next to me with her babies nestled into my head, she whispered, “Mommy? What are we having for breakfast?” Toast, I’d answer. Then two seconds later, “Mommy? What are we doing after breakfast?” Amy and Jack, I’d succinctly answer. After the third, “Mommy?” I kindly said, “Tatum, go get a book and read.”
So she did and STAYED in her room. I slept for thirty more minutes.

This wonderful picture made me realize something about Tatum. She loves to relate. Her ability to enjoy the character in the book makes her experience that much more exciting. She has to FEEL something for an animal or a person in the book, and then she makes him/her come alive. The dialogue she uses is like what we see and do every day, and watching her act it out via a book is priceless.
This proves to me that reading really engages the mind, creates imagination, and allows one to not only laugh, learn, and grow, but to enter a new world for a short time.
I continue to LOVE buying books and my LOVE keeps growing for all that has been written! Man, the creativity! We also go to the library weekly and pick up about ten new ones and take them for a test drive.
Here is an update to some of my new favorites (from another post).The books I buy for Tatum are for four to eight year olds. Why wait?
Veggie Tales makes some fun books that sing the last page! She loves to play them all at the same time. Great messages.

Bernstein Bears teaching values

HELP! Was a test drive from the library and we loved it. It’s about true FRIENDSHIP
This book is “What a Wonderful World,” by Louis Armstrong in a picture book. We read it (well, I sing it), then I play the real song along with the book. (He’s much better than me!)

This Knuffle Bunny trilogy is by my favorite children’s author, Mo Willems. It’s brilliant, hilarious, and down right FUN! Tatum just adores Trixie.

Another fun book. Inspires the underwear delight!

Fun to sing this book with Tot.

These were another test drive success story. This Little Cub and Old Bear find each other and fall in love. The become Father and Son. Sounds familiar: Mommy and Tot.
Froggy fun! This author has a great style and tends to keep his books with a similar rhythm.

More Mo Willems. Darn funny. I’m addicted and need to get all of them.

The Three Bears, More fun Bernstein’s, and PD Eastman fun.

New classics I came upon.
Yes, I am addicted to books, and Tatum is reaping the benefits.