Saturday, July 4th. The whole entire day with Tatum with no break. (I’m not complaining, but I could use some ideas today). Everything is closed today, so I had to make the best of our day at home which usually goes fine. Our afternoon plan to hang at the pool fell through due to a toddler’s prerogative to change her mind. Honestly, I truly did not feel like being the entertainment committee this afternoon (as I usual am the president, vice, secretary, treasure and all the members).
We read the new Highlights magazine before nap today, and it had an activity I figured I would try!
It required a pool noodle, scissors, tape, and some construction paper. No problem! I cut up the noodle and figured we could make pool noodle castle, perhaps thread some of it and decorate them. What a grand idea!
Until implementation…
She was more interested in the scissors than the activity to begin with. Then, as I got out the construction paper, cutting was more riveting for her. Then, lacing the noodles? Well, that was more fun for me! OK, that 5 minutes was not successful. Now what? She did not want to draw, throw the ball or any of the plethora of activities I suggested. At this point, I figured I’d work on cutting out the laminated puzzle mom gave me for her to practice her letters. I told her she would just have to find something to do.
Initially, she asked for her babies and stood around with that classic look of fingers in mouth and puppy eyes at me. I went on with my work and just asked her questions of things she could do. FINALLY, she went to retrieve Bella, her baby, and cooked her a meal. The imagination began as she took her to the virtual splash pad, church, the store, a restaurant. She told Bella to eat her breakfast and that she would need to take a bath.

After this, she asked me to retrieve her mini garage which has been collecting dust for months. Next thing you know it, she is talking to the “little people” telling them they’ll “be OK” and “we are almost home.” 
She was P…L…A….Y….I…N…G!! Halleluia! We struck gold. It did not require me to turn on the TV. I did not have to do my usual song and dance pony show (which I must admit is pretty awesome); I did not have to pull out a “new” toy or “new” book. She used her imaginative mind creatively.
And all is well. I’m even writing this post as she continues to reassure her little people friends that they are OK as they are having a blast flying in their pink mini convertible bug.
Her requirement of me coming up with something to do is diminishing, and she is realizing that she is in charge of her brain. For me to come to the rescue always will not allow her to just figure it out on her own. I want her to be bored sometimes so she can navigate HERSELF through the options of ways to entertain herself…sans electronic means.
This 4th of July, not only being a wonderful time to celebrate our country, turned out to have its own fireworks of fun at our little humble abode.