Times have definitely changed. The only memory I have of going to the dentist was a big white chair, drill sounds and a huge spotlight in my eye. It also smelled like fluoride..awful. Knowing this, I diligently prepared for this visit with Dora books and twice daily tooth brushing and practice saying “Ahhhhh.” 
What was I thinking? When we arrived at Desert Ridge Pediatric Dentistry, I thought I entered another planet, literally. Sitting out front is a life-size astronaut
and his green alien friend. He is reading a newspaper catching up on the latest news about aliens overhead of the area. Is he supposed to be rescuing us? If so, what’s the deal with the green guy? He’s reading something too so perhaps it an instruction manual on abduction or something.
Well, either way, Tatum just wanted to chat with them.
Finally, we entered the “spaceship office.” It’s the closest I’ve come to being in a rocket or spaceship, so for me, it was a first as well. Instantly, Tatum was off pushing buttons, climbing under the rocket, 
climbing up to the rocket, and discovering her first iPad device on the ship. 
For the parents, they have a separate waiting room, and I think I want to move in. They had a huge screen TV, books, magazines and…..yes, a deluxe espresso machine with all the fixings. You can even make a cappuccino. Insert pod, pick your strength, add hot water for an americano or milk for a frothy cappuccino or latte. Dang…. Tot was busily pushing buttons on her iPad rocket, when we heard her name called. I had to cease the conversation with a nice young dad and slurp my coffee down, but nevertheless, we were there to see the dentist. (Tatum completely forgot as I tried to pull her away from this device. Note to self: Limit the iPad use unless absolutely necessary.)
Once we got in the office, Mikey was taken in by Tatum’s charm and sweetness. She sat on my lap, and petite adorable Dr. Libby Bienstock entered. A perfect ped dentist. Tot immediately warmed up to her, and Tot opened wide and so well! They were in shock. Both said they see kids all day and have never seen someone so compliant, and moreover, at 2 and 1/2! She had some yellow buildup on her teeth from iron in her vitamins. She also should not be eating gummy vitamins. A big no-no for cavity protection! Chewable only. Dr. B asked her if she could clean her teeth and Tot laid on top of me getting cleaned. It had to have been about 10 minutes. Again, they were floored. She was amazing and I was so proud of her. Dr. B complimented ME up and down, and man did that feel so good to hear. (At that moment, I just lifted up a prayer to God…thank you Jesus for allowing me to be with her). The work of bringing her to all of my appointments paid off. And, being with her all day I suppose. 
After we were finished, I was told a rice sized tartar control toothpaste daily and floss. We’ll see how that goes tonight.
On our way out they gave us INCENTIVE to come back. You get this card and each time you come you get points toward prizes. Now come on..what planet is this? The dentist office, that’s right.
It was not easy leaving. They gave her a balloon, a large gift bag with a huge cup, toothbrush, stickers, a bouncy ball and toothpaste with floss.

We will be back, Planet dentist with a shiny report. Go TOT!