When is that? The minute I walk into my room for the evening, I feel like I’m hitting the classroom. My safe haven…my learning time…my soaking it all in time.
First, I always take a piece of dark chocolate with me and then I lay in my bed with my Bible devotion. This is the beginning of “soak-it-all-in” time. What does HE say? Encouragement and Reflection. Take a bite. Now, what book will it be tonight?
I happened to spread all of the parenting books on the floor tonight to just review how much I have really “studied.” The beauty about “soak-it-all-in” time is that you can soak it in, but you can also squeeze the unneeded or unwanted out. Ok..take a bite.

I have my favorites. In fact, in each book, I have many pearls which I have saved, used, failed at, and tried again. The key is to keep trying new things. There is nothing new under the sun; only new approaches to common problems/challenges. 
Currently, I’m reading THE PASSIONATE MOM but Susan Merrill. So far so good. Take another bite.
These books are like dark chocolate. They are rich, sometimes too sweet, necessary and can give you a tummy ache if you over-indulge. Advice can only go so far. Every child is different, and if I try something and it does not work, it does not mean I failed; it just means I need a different approach. (also, if I do fail, I try again tomorrow with a positive attitude, lots of grace and prayer).
I love this time of night. Time to soak it in and pray for wisdom….
And the dark chocolate doesn’t hurt. 🙂