One week. No, actually 9 full days of Tater Tot. Why is this significant? Well first, today marks her 16-month birthday, and with that comes new behaviors. Now that she is mobile has feet on fire, she is more creative with her curiosity (understatedly) Therefore, my Spring Break should be renamed “Springy-Don’t-Break That!” 🙂
What are these new behaviors? Most of them are adorable…Come on, with this face, how can everything she does not be ADORABLE:
But, recently, when I come to pick her up from her browsing around, she goes the opposite direction. Then, if I go out of the room, she chases me, “Mommy! Mommy!” I turn to grab her and –psych-she runs away from me! (“Yes, mom, I’m in control and have my own mind, thank you very much.”) From a bit of discussion from “mommy experts” I learned that at this age, everything is a show. The world still revolves around her in her diminutive, brilliant mind, and hence, she is always intimating, “look at me!” IF (and that is a BIG IF) I ignore or diminish/not overreact to her minor tantrum or stern need to be independent (or even walk out of the room), she will soon learn it does not work. Giving attention (even negative attention) to her is what she is seeking. Especially when it comes to meal times. Patience is not her virtue as she cries until she gets her food. I go slower when she does this, and I wait until she ceases the cry. “Please….,” I recite to her. (Then “thank you, Mommy”) Manners, manners, manners. Model, model, model. This is the only key to success.
So, I decided to sit down on Friday at work (my resting place ironically) and make a week plan of what can we do and how can it be fruitful for all involved, including Tatum! (haha). Time with Susan and Nancy on Sunday will kick off the week. Then, the house needs major attention in making it more Tater-friendly. Step 1: the patio add-on. That will take up my Monday; as will pulling together/piling together all the obsolete toys, clothes, and mats and find an outlet for them. My thoughts? Sell and donate money to Foster Care at our church. OR find a donation source. Step 2: The Park with Melissa and girls. Mel, Ethan, Gabby, and Sophia are quickly becoming a fundamental part of Tatum’s and my journey through life.
That leaves Tuesday-Friday. Tuesday? IKEA! The mini-kitchen is calling my (Tater’s name). Building it will be the rest of Tuesday! That afternoon must include more opportunities to catch up with my friends who can enjoy hanging with Tatum also! 🙂 Spending time with my family is key for Wednesday and Thursday. Tatum will be at camp on Wednesday morning so I can spend some overdue time with my mom. Yes, I may live with her, but we do not often spend quality time. Movie? Just being together is enough.:-) When I pick up Tatum, we will hit the park and play on the train or carousel.
Thursday, Morgan, Nyla, and Kelly, Tater and I shall generate some fun just probably watching Tatum run around the Kramer house. Listening to Nyla tickle the ivories and having a coffee with Morgan will be on the agenda as well. I savor every minute with the girls and Kell. Creating that family environment for Tatum requires time. TIME! That is it. I just want to spend TIME with my loved ones, modeling for Tatum that this is what a fullfilling life is all about: INVESTING in family and friends.
I must find some time to see Bob, Janette, Denise, and Tacy. Again, I could spend my break working more on the house, working more on my lessons…etc, but as I grow older, my heart yearns for Tatum (and myself) to be surrounded with love, laughter, and Godly living.

Puzzles should be a word that I now use for “what shall we play with?” vs. something I need to figure out with Tatum’s growing curious behavior.