The BUMBO is definitely a connecting device. As I ready myself in the morning, and often as I make dinner, she watches me!

Living an Intentional Life
TWO feet and TWO shoes! To celebrate, I bought some bright teal and fuschia Reeboks in order to stand out and yell to the world: ” Appreciate MOBILITY!”
I also decided to…..
And guess what? I’m so out of shape. I used to be able to swim a mile no problem, and after about 1/2 a mile, I was ready to wave the white flag. Maybe that would have buoyed me up!?
What I did find, is:
1. Swimming breaststroke and freestyle loosens the ankle if you don’t tense up.
2. Swimming calms you and gives your body a comfortable workout
3. Don’t use the ends to push off. Just stop and turn!
4. It reduced my swelling
I only did about 30 minutes, but I sure felt better.
Anyone else find swimming to help the healing?
Floating among the comforts of life can be still and peaceful. One day, the storms hit and they bring rough waters and not so smooth sailing. Now, do you stay in the boat for safety? Sure! However, what if you stepped out of the boat and attempted to find a more stable or sturdy ship? Sometimes, we are called to make hard choices. Both are very admirable and positive. What do you do? Do you flip a coin? First, you pray…and pray hard. Then, you wait.
Waiting requires faith to get out of the boat and ride the storm, and it may be for longer than desired. I have made a choice, and now I wait.
Well, today at least.
FitFlops are the Bingdadabombbomb!! These shoes may be pricey, but are they worth every stinkin’ penny! In PT yesterday, he massaged the scar a bit and tried to lessen the swelling. If this is not done, it can stay there and inhibit healing. We also did 3 sets of ten on the therabands (left to right and vice versa). Plus flexing with the bands. I have my ROM at normal, and he said not to stretch anymore because it may be counterproductive at this point.
What did I also do today??? SWIM!!!!! Yep! I did just 20 minutes in the pool fluttering my feet (and no pushing off the sides), and it felt D…I…V…I…N…E!!! 🙂
Mobility is something we all take for granted. Today, I praised GOD for my TWO feet.
The other day, when I was reading Dr. Seuss’ ABC book to Tatum (well, we watched it on YOUTUBE being read aloud), it hit me. She is soaking up every minute of time with me as I am with her.
It is not possible to over-do time with her (as some may argue), but I can say that it is possible to UNDER-do time with Tatum. When one puts her child in a day-care situation, it appears to become “easier” to parent because one just hands off baby to caregiver, thinking…”you deal with it…I have to go.”
The conflict one faces in her heart is not understood until one is put in the situation directly. Can one be 100% worker and 100% mommy? I thought one could. I am not that person, however. Trying to do “it all” limits my ability to be the best mom I can be. I get ONE shot at this. ONE. No do-overs of babyhood.
I have begged, borrowed and stolen many rules from many sources in order to teach COMMAS!? They are overused, underused and misused. Do you like all of my series?
So, here is a quick summary of a few of the MANY MANY MANY RULES!…Let’s dive in! 🙂
EXAMPLE: He’s bundled in a wool coat, mitts, hat, scarf and snow-boots because it’s so cold.
You try: Katherine did the shopping cleaned the house and finished the laundry.
ALSO: If you’re repeating words for emphasis, a comma will separate the repeated words so it’s clear you haven’t made a typo.
EXAMPLE: I really, really like chocolate.
You try: Maggie has been a naughty naughty dog.
EXAMPLE: She told her students, “I would add the comma before the quote.”
“I could add the comma at the end of the quote,” this amazing person said.
You try: “I just have to get a new car “ she said as she stood in the garage. She then continued “I know I can find a good deal!”
Interrupters are little thoughts in the middle of a thought, added to show emotion, tone or emphasis. When we use an interrupter in the middle of the sentence, it should be emphasized with commas. Without the use of commas, the flow of the sentence may be awkward for the reader. Interrupters are easily identified by saying the sentence out loud; you’ll naturally pause where the commas should be.
EXAMPLE: Queen Victoria was, as they say, a formidable woman.
The interrupter as they say needs a comma before and after it to emphasize its separation from the rest of the sentence.
You try: Having demonstrated a decided lack of ethics, the CEO was needless to say dismissed from the company.
You try: It does indeed look like rain.
Names can also be interrupters.
EXAMPLE: What, Susan, do you think?
You try: Where do you suppose Davey your shoes might have gone this time?
Here are some more common interrupters: in fact, to say the least, however, generally speaking, sadly, happily, and unfortunately.
An introductory phrase is like a clause, but it doesn’t have its own subject and verb; it relies on the subject and verb in the main clause.
EXAMPLE: Fighting against reason, Martha decided to pull an all-nighter in hopes of passing the exam.
First, what kind of phrase is this?
REMEMBER?? A participial phrase: (acts like an ADJECTIVE! And starts with a what?? A participle: remember, a participle is a VERB that became an adjective: Splash and built now are adjectives. Despite the type of verb, these phrases modify the noun that immediately follows them.)
EXAMPLE: Splashing through the puddles, the girls looked like they were having a blast.
EXAMPLE: Built in the 1920s, the house had a stronger foundation than originally thought.
(remember, a participle is a VERB that became an adjective: Splash and built now are adjectives)
You try:
Finding a good book she decided to take a break and read!
Remembering what is a participle he finished his grammar homework quickly.
What about this example?
In the heat of the moment, many people make rash decisions.
REMEMBER?? A prepositional phrase (starts with a what??? A preposition!)
You try:
Without understanding why, Annie woke from a deep sleep with an urge to check on her children.
Between March and April the little boy grew three inches.
By flashlight in the woods we made our way along the path.
What about this example?
To experience the delights of high-altitude meadows, we drove a Jeep through mountain roads.
REMEMBER? An infinitive phrase (starts with a what??? An infinitive!)
You try:
To dance all night she must have maintained tip-top physical conditioning.
Remember: A clause is a group of words containing a subject and a verb. A clause that can function as a sentence on its own is called an independent clause: e.g., My sister eats a lot of ice cream.
Dependent (subordinate): Cannot stand on its own
Independent: Can stand on its own
Introductory clauses are dependent clauses which are found at the beginning of the sentence (although they can be moved to the end of the sentence, too, without confusing the meaning of the sentence). After a dependent introductory clause, we use a comma to separate the introductory clause from the independent clause. The dependent introductory clause may start with an adverb or conjunction like although, if, or when.
EXAMPLE: As the man was walking into the store, he came face-to-face with his childhood sweetheart.
EXAMPLE: Because the rain was torrential, the day’s Little League games were postponed.
You try:
Although temperatures were freezing we stayed warm in front of the fireplace.
Before the ambulance arrived I performed CPR on the unconscious victim.
(The clause starts with either a subordinate conjunction, such as after, while, if, etc…. The clauses cannot stand on their own because they are incomplete thoughts)
You try:
If you are not ready to commit you are unlikely to experience success while trying to lose weight (“if” is a subordinate conjunction).
Introductory clauses frequently begin with a conjunction (although, since, when, if, etc.) There should be no comma after the conjunction in the introductory clause.
EXAMPLE: Because, it was going to rain, we cancelled the picnic.
(The comma after because should be removed; the comma after rain is properly used as it separates the introductory clause from the independent clause.)
What’s wrong with these sentences? FIX THEM:
After, flunking her Victorian Literature class, Martha decided to do the assigned reading.
When and if, it gets delivered, please bring the package into my office immediately.
So, that the water didn’t get in, we attached rubber seals around the windows.
Dependent introductory clauses which include a date should be offset by a comma. The date can be a year or the date of the month.
EXAMPLE: In 1989, he graduated from high school.
By the 1960s, most households had a television set.
You try:
During the 1800s canned foods were becoming popular.
Since November 15th we’ve raised more than a thousand dollars for charity.
Today, Tatum was feeling better so I figured I would try the bouncy thing! It’s new for her, so maybe she’ll fit right in! …or maybe not…baboing!~