12 Days of Christmas: Day 1

One of the challenges with the beauty of Christmas for a child is keeping the idea of giving in the forefront.

Yes, we have the pretty decorated trees and sparkly sweaters…

But, I had an idea, thanks to Focus on the Family, of how to bring the idea of serving into the tradition of Christmas.

I thought of 12 ways we could serve others in the next 12 days (until the end of the year)

I hung them on the wall and allowed for her to wait a couple of days to unveil day one.

This Monday morning, she awoke to the excitement of Day 1.

Ok, Tot. Who will you compliment today? On the drive to school, she thought that she’d tell one or a few of her friends something nice. I know the logs were burning in her head.

When I picked her up, we headed to Cheesecake Factory to have lunch with Kelly, Connie, Morgan and Nyla since Connie is in town. Tatum got to enjoy a few gifts from her birthday (since we hadn’t seen them for her b-day)

And this led right into her sharing her compliments with the family. She really enjoyed Morgan! They played and goofed around. “Morgan’s my best buddy!”


After all of her compliments were accomplished, she felt proud of herself. She also looks forward to tomorrow! What could it be under that clip!?

In anticipation she sang Noel songs to us before bed.

What passion! What feeling! Go Tot!

Yes, He is to come. He is to come.

May we make the most of this Christmas time,  not only focusing on HIM, but thinking of others as we serve and love.