Friendship saga continues…gifts!

After the whole sleep over fiasco and Tatum buying gifts for friend, the friend had not thanked Tatum

THEN, Sunday, we get a ring at the doorbell.

Friend brought over gifts in return.

She trusted God…You reap what you sow.

Heartbreak lessons and building resilience! HE IS THERE WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES!

Rudeness. Disrespect. Curt responses. Somber mood.

What is our knee jerk reaction to this as a parent? Punish! Respond in kind…Acutely! But, is there more to the story? You have to dig and that TAKES TIME.

Being Tatum’s mom has been a lesson in patience and understanding. To want to be in control and manage her behavior the way I would like it to be; the way I EXPECT it to be…well, this is the main challenge. Instead, I’m trying to understand the underlying issues behind the behavior (how “un”pretty it can be).

The beauty of Tatum is the SECOND she has an edge in her behavior, immediately she apologizes and feels awful. However, she is still trying to understand herself where it is coming from. HURT PEOPLE HURT PEOPLE. Period.. She has hurt…she then lashes out (without even the cognizance of understanding).

Praise GOD she has me to process it out.

I remember I would come home from school with LOADS AND LOADS of heartbreak from my school day. I would be in a terrible mood (and I didn’t even really understand how to piece the WHY together). I had NO way to process it out. I would just be sad and maybe have a few “lashing outs” and then go to bed. It would PENT UP in my heart, and unhealthy behaviors ensued. I DIDN’T PROCESS IT AT THE TIME AND THAT JUST ADDED UP. Our brains have not developed and we don’t have the WISDOM to know how to emotionally process the daily disappointments and heartbreaks. AND if we don’t have Jesus, how can we learn to function in the world with all of the daily disappointments and heartbreaks ? WE THEN FORM INTO AN ANGRY, RESENTFUL person. EEK.

Tatum had her first sleepover at our home with her FAVORITE friend. Oh she couldn’t have been more excited, and Tatum wears her heart on her sleeve so this friend KNEW Tatum was overly jazzed. In fact, Tatum pursues this friend with passion. The friend might not AND DOES NOT respond in kind. Bedtime arrived, and the friend had had enough of Tatum and wanted to go home. She also didn’t feel very well. The friend went home. The next day, Tatum continued to pursue said friend and even brought her a load of goodies to help the friend feel better. (She never even thanked Tatum for the goodies)

The writing on the wall: The friend continues to back away and Tatum’s heart continues to break further and further. However, Tatum does not have the wisdom to maybe give friend space. Oh, watching this has made me realize how much she needs Jesus to be her BEST friend (who never leaves) and how much she needs to PROCESS this out with me! I went through ALL OF this as a kid. She also cried out since she doesn’t have siblings, and she is even more sad (it’s quite lonely). I related to her. I My brother was much older than me and my mom was not around. She has me and she has her daddy. She also has Jesus (which I didn’t have). The kids who have siblings don’t seem to be as “needy” in the friend department. (do they!?)

SWEET GIRL….Please know God is protecting you. He is saving the RIGHT friend for you! We are in TWO co-ops with amazing kids. You just wait. YOU KEEP BEING YOU and God will provide the RIGHT friends at the right time. PLEASE TRUST HIM.

I love you so much Tatum. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! I am here for you and you WILL figure this out. God will protect you. TRUST HIM.

My unique, beautiful, sweet, melodic, articulate…BUMBY!

Uniqe. YES. She even makes dessert fun.

Marshies and choc chips. Orderly and methodical.

I love her creative brain: Cleaning out her closet yesterday, she gave a corner home to all of her millions of stuffies. MAYBE this is half of them?

She continues to amaze me as she articulately recited Psalm 46: 1-7 to our congregation.

Just beautiful. Inside and OUT!

I love you bright and shiny girl!

His name was Jesus

Update on Rio: He’s singing, dancing, and talking!!! The NEXT DAY.

I called the vet hospital today to report to them and thank Dr. Jesse. His real name is Dr. Jesus Batista.

You have to understand this: We have been searching for Jesus in these last few months wondering, Do you hear us???

Yesterday on the way to the hospital, I cried out to him in utter despair. Our whole family has been attacked this way and that. Don’t take Ribi too!

Enter Dr. Jesus. He miraculously felt the “clicking” in Rio as a sign that he had a respiratory infection. This meant Rio could immediately receive antibiotics.

Jesus did save Rio. However you want to look it at, I see it as a miracle.

NOT a coincidence.


Ribi….Please be ok!

This morning Rio was cuddling in bed with Tatum.

Wait…WHAT!!??? Rio doesn’t cuddle. Rio bites and doesn’t like that. Oh, and he was super puffed up.

And he didn’t stop sleeping. He stayed at the bottom of the cage. Lifeless.

Tatum is freaking out and I’m calling all over to find an emergency bird vet. Doug gets involved and we find an emergency hospital that will take him.

Let’s GOOOOOOO! Only 25 miles away.

Tatum and I are praying the whole way as she tries to get him to move and not sleep too much.

They instantly put him in an oxygen incubator.

Not much helps at this point. The staff says maybe an X-ray, but with a $600 price tag and the fact that he doesn’t seem to have any broken parts, it wasn’t worth it.

They suggested some fluids and Vitamin B…OK…anything!
Tatum is frustrated and SCARED.

SO here we go….

After this, the tech held him and heard a “click.” He thought..maybe a respiratory infection. ANTIBIOTICS!! PLEASE!

Erythromycin to the rescue.

Here is what they wrote on the report:

Amarillo was evaluated today for being fluffed and not eating of two days duration. On examination we suspect Amarillo has a respiratory infection. We discussed performing bloodwork and radiographs, but you have elected to treat supportively at this time.

Amarillo was also given fluids under his skin to help hydrate him.


1. Azithromycin Oral Susp 200mg/5ml, per 15ml Bottle
Give 0.02 ml by mouth every other day (every 48 hours). Continue for a total of 5 doses. (1 bottle) Next dose due: give this morning, start today


General signs of complications. If Amarillo shows any of these signs please contact your primary care veterinarian or Veterinary Emergency Group if after hours:

1. Labored breathing – continual
2. Pain. Amarillo has trouble getting comfortable, cries, or is painful to the touch. 3. Diarrhea, especially if persistent, bloody, or painful.
4. Excessive sleepiness (Amarillo can not be roused).
5. Seizures, loss of consciousness, or episodes of bizarre behavior.
6. Amarillo continues to not eat or drink for more than 24 hours.

Owner: Stephanie Hay | Patient: Amarillo | Species: Avian | Breed: Parakeet | Page: 1 of 2

7. Amarillo is unable to perch or is found on the bottom of the cage for extended periods of time.


If Amarillo’s signs continue, or worsen, please schedule a recheck appointment with an avian exotic veteri- narian for further diagnostics and treatments if needed.

WOW…now this is him:

He actually smiled. We thought…we thought we lost him.

Coopy did too.

The HAY family has been through HE_L and back the past year. Today was a bit of a gift to get our minds off the “usual” stresses and to focus on the little things that bring us joy. I couldn’t be more grateful.

Thank you, Jesus for the vet, the meds, and for being with us through this whole thing.