Miss Understanding

Have you ever met her? She lives in our house and she probably lives in yours as well.

You see, Tatum wants her way. Who doesn’t? We want our way, right God? That is what started this whole FALL of mankind.

Sometimes, you just want to put on a mask and hide!

But does that do any good? Probably not. It’s best to work it all out face to face.

When we want our way; when Tatum wants her way, sometimes….just sometimes, there is reason inside. That is when, if we can talk things out, we can avoid our little lady friend, Miss Understanding. (For Tatum it’s sometimes UN understanding because this is all new for her: her desires and then how to handle her emotions that accompany them)

Tatum is at the age where she is experiencing phases of growth that are lending themselves to this Miss.

She can be…

  • demanding but also eagerly cooperative
  • rude but then realize she is not being kind

BUT on the flip side, she can communicate with articulation. When I take the time to come down to her level PHYSICALLY, look her in her beautiful blue eyes, and talk things out, we avoid meeting up with lil’ Miss Understanding.

It’s been a journey lately and it is tiring! It requires time and patience, and sometimes, I just don’t have it. BUT, this Miss….so we have to work HER out of a job. This means

  • prayer
  • prayer
  • and more prayer

with each other.

And you know what? It’s paying off. It gives us context to discuss the NEED for Jesus. The NEED to be forgiven because we “are all yet sinners, but Christ died for us.” (Rom. 3:23)

Miss, we know you come to our house sometimes, and we want you to be discussed away. Respect and honor and grace IS the central theme of our home. 

And I’ll also add lots and lots of laughter!


I love you both so much.