Why I love/do not love Thursdays

Thursdays are bittersweet. Tatum goes to school, and I usually have my mom’s group at church.

We have a nice breakfast together after I get her her daily flower.

Tatum also has chapel at school, so we both get a little Jesus and a lotta lovin’ from our friends.

Then there’s school. Ah…..GCU. A new week starts every Thursday, so I have usually a ton of grading to accomplish, AND a new class for the week each Thursday to launch (and sometimes a brand new class). I also physically go to GCU to teach a cohort class of live students. This means I leave Tot every Thursday about 2:30 or so.

While I get ready, Tatum gets ready to read a bazillion or so books. And she does.

Graciously, my mom watches Tatum for two hours, and then my sweet Doug leaves work early and comes to watch Tatum for the final hours before bed, and then he puts her to bed. We have quite a routine going now.

I always send Tot and Doug a picture and they always send something back to me.

Hi Tot and Doug!


Hi mommy! 

And then I wonder…bandaid on her face? OK!?

Doug has antics with her.

 Did I mention antics?

On his way home from putting Tot to bed, I then talk to Doug all the way home on my way home (if the timing is right). Sometimes I get to talk about my class because they are so awesome. Yes, I get chocolate from them!

It’s a smoothly oiled machine, those Thursdays. I miss the Tot like mad, but I know she’s in terrific hands, and she’s having a great time. Did I mention antics!?